ira mehlman
ira mehlman: Page 1
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David Montgomery /WaPo: nearly no real reporting in Luis Gutierrez puff piece - 05/08/09
David Montgomery of the Washington Post offers a five-screen puff piece (link) on far-left amnesty supporter Rep. Luis Gutierrez and his recent "Family Unity Tour" that completely fails to call him on his many disreputable statements, such as the time he called ICE agents "Gestapo agents". The article fails to call Gutierrez on the many huge flaws in the comprehensive immigration reform that he supports. This is the only part of the article that discusses actual policy:
Gutierrez and his allies generally define immigration reform to include an end to workplace raids and deportations that...
Gumecindo Salas /HACU misleads about Dream Act (Heidi Collins/CNN helps) - 04/23/09
Heidi Collins of CNN did a segment on the anti-American DREAM Act earlier today. The transcript is here, and a video of the first part of the segment is here.
Clarissa Martinez/NCLR's offensive, misleading pro-illegal immigration editorial - 02/07/09
Clarissa Martinez of the National Council of La Raza (her bio at the first link) offers an offensive editorial called "Think Latinos are ambivalent about immigration?" (link). It's a response to an earlier editorial from Ira Mehlman (link), and it starts with this:
At the height of his hubris, Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)-- an anti-immigrant organization designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center -- decided that he is better qualified than Latino civil rights leaders to speak to Latino views. What's next, David Duke writing...
Arguments against the DREAM Act - 12/28/08
Ira Mehlman of FAIR offers "DREAM Over: Illegal Alien Student Amnesty Awakens to Fiscal Reality" (link, copy here).
Excerpt below, and note also that one of the best ways to reduce illegal immigration is to discredit those politicians who support the DREAM Act by asking them questions like this one on video.
WaPo's Boom Burbs go bust; what happens to the illegal aliens? - 12/27/06
Nick Miroff of the Washington Post offers "Immigrants' Jobs Vanish With Housing Slowdown", about the situation in the DC/Maryland/NoVa suburbs area. Seems some illegal aliens can't find jobs in construction and are leaving mostly for other states, but some are even - gasp - returning to the countries of which they're citizens. Note that just over a year ago, the Washington Post promoted illegal activity in order to keep the good times a-rollin' in those "boom burbs". Now, with the slowdown, even they are grappling with the impact of their policies.
Even the local advocates are desperately...
Is Michele Marcucci/Oakland Tribune biased? - 12/05/06
Michele R. Marcucci is a staff writer for the ANG Newspapers Group who appears to be based out of the Oakland Tribune. She offers the long article "Immigration group may not be what they seem" (orovillemr . com/news/bayarea/ci_4777376). It would be good journalism if she covered all sides of the issue, which she does not. Instead, while she reports on two supposed "nonwhite" groups actually being initiated by - gasp! - white people, she doesn't report on questionable activities by those on her apparent side of the issue.