immigration terrorism
immigration terrorism: Page 3
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Illegal aliens arrested at Nebraska nuclear power plant - 09/16/05
Three kind-hearted undocumented friends from Vicente's country were stopped from entering a NUCLEAR POWER PLANT in Nebraska. It's bad enough when good-hearted folks end up workin' at Navy bases, but when they work at something that could lead to a "China syndrome", perhaps even our "American" president might consider waking up.
Three illegal aliens were arrested by U.S.
Kind-hearted, undocumented U. of Memphis student just wants to be airline pilot - 09/16/05
Mahmoud Maawad has been in the U.S. for six years, working for cash at a convenience store. He's undocumented. And, he's a student at the University of Memphis.
With that information, both George Bush and Nina Bernstein would probably start feeling their compassion welling. But, hold off for a second, you two:
When FBI agents walked [his] spartan apartment [on Sep 9]... they found a desk, chair, computer and a Koran.
They also found an airline pilot's uniform, a chart of Memphis International Airport, and instructional DVDs, including one called "How an Airline Captain Should Look and...
Iowans get exotic treat: Central American gangs - 09/07/05
MARSHALLTOWN, Iowa (link) The Midwest seems an unlikely hideout for Osama bin Laden's hired hands. But an ongoing federal crackdown shows an increasing presence of a violent gang with suspected links to al-Qaida.
The gang, M-S-13, was founded in El Salvador and is known for smuggling drugs and immigrants into the U-S. [...and there's a possible terrorism connection...]
Al Qaeda group in Argentina? - 09/03/05
From this:
Members of Tablighi Jamaat, an Islamist missionary group that the United States accuses of links to Al-Qaeda, are in Argentina with the possible aim of recruiting local Muslims for terrorist activities, a newspaper has said.
Citing sources in the intelligence community and the foreign ministry, the La Nacion said the 26 Islamists arrived in Argentina in five groups over the past few months.
The militants, from Pakistan, Malaysia, South Africa, Qatar and Egypt, came in
Bush making the Border Patrol even less effective because of Katrina - 09/01/05
The Bush administration has ordered the Border Patrol to move some personnel and equipment from the border to deal with Katrina, NewsMax reports (link):
...According to [the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency], however, plenty of its scarce resources are now committed to rescue and law enforcement support in the multi-state areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina.
"Study: Terrorists Exploit Immigration Laws" - 08/30/05
The CIS has released a new study written by Janice Kephart, former counsel for the 9/11 commission: "Moving Beyond the 9/11 Staff report on Terrorist Travel".
From the AP report "Study: Terrorists Exploit Immigration Laws":
Suspected or convicted foreign-born terrorists have routinely exploited federal immigration laws over the last decade to enter or remain in the United States illegally...
"The attack of 9/11
Almost 1500 Chinese illegal crossers detained in FY 2004 in one sector - 08/30/05
In fiscal year 2004, 1483 Chinese (as in Red China) nationals were detained by the Border Patrol... just in the Rio Grande Valley sector. The report doesn't mention the numbers for other sectors in Texas, only saying that it's small. And, it doesn't mention the figures for other states. But, only 49 were detained last fiscal year in that same area.
Texas' borderland sheriffs: Washington ignores illegal immigration crisis - 08/23/05
From "Texas sheriffs seek aid fighting illegals":
County governments in Texas, overwhelmed by a flood of illegal aliens and rapidly increasing border violence, want the federal government to come up with $10 million to help them pay for manpower increases, rising fuel bills and much-needed vehicles and equipment.
Zapata County Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez, a member of the Texas Border Sheriffs' Coalition, said the federal government's failure to control illegal immigration and to curta
Dems crazy enough to downplay danger of violent Central American gang - 08/23/05
From "Kilgore sticking to gang concern":
Virginia gubernatorial candidate Jerry W. Kilgore yesterday said law-enforcement officers would be foolish to assume that there is no link between the al Qaeda terrorist network and the Salvadoran gang Mara Salvatrucha.
"MS-13 is the most violent street gang around, and Homeland Security has said it makes sense to see these gangs as being targeted by al Qaeda," Mr. Kilgore, a former state attorney general, told The Washington Times.
Kind-hearted cheap laborers arrested at Camp Lejeune - 08/19/05
From this:
An anonymous tip triggered an investigation of undocumented workers at Camp Lejeune, resulting in 40 people being detained and a federal investigation, a base spokesman said.
Camp Lejeune officials detained 27 people at base gates during security checks Wednesday and another 12 at various construction sites Monday...
Details on where the workers are from, how they got on base and what will happen to them now were not immediately made avai
"Homeland security doesn't exist." - 08/15/05
Leo Banks offers a long article about ranchers directly on the border entitled "Images From the Battleground". It includes this:
The Border Patrol doesn't release a by-nation breakdown of those it arrests, and the agency is particularly tight-lipped about arrests of special interest aliens, known as SIAs. These are individuals from the list of about 35 countries the U.S. considers terror threats.
Houston reaffirms illegal aliens sanctuary policy - 07/28/05
Like Los Angeles, New York, (reportedly) Denver, and several other major cities (and terrorist targets) Houston has a sanctuary policy that prevents their cops from asking about someone's immigration status.
HPD Captain Bruce Williams explains how this works:
"If the citizen can come to us and know that we're going to take the information that they give us without looking into their status as an immigrant, then they're more free to come to us and talk about crime issues."
Councilman Mark Ellis is trying to change the policy:
"I am in favor of supporting what the Bush administration has asked...
NYC subway bomb plot foiled? - 07/26/05
From this:
FBI and law enforcement officials told ABC News the five men a
Cornyn, Lugar offer hot air on illegal immigration - 07/18/05
Knight-Ridder outlines a somewhat fantastic plot involving Los Zetas and a Mexico-based Arab people smuggler joining forces: "FBI bulletin outlines possible terrorist plot at Texas border". The Arab will get to smuggle explosives in trucks into the U.S.; the Zetas will get help freeing a cartel leader.
However, this information came from an informant, who may or may not be credible.
Arresting illegal aliens at Air Force base puts New York Times in tizzy - 07/16/05
Forty or so illegal aliens were recently arrested in a sting at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in North Carolina. Previous coverage starts in "Why the left is untrustworthy and weak on national security, Part #43823294". Now, to drive that point home, comes the NYT with "Immigration Sting Puts 2 U.S.
Fmr. FBI Agent: Canada terror haven; Canuck "liberals" dispute - 07/16/05
From "Former FBI Official: Canada's Immigration Laws Too Lenient":
A former FBI official who currently specializes in international terrorism, counterintelligence, and foreign counterintelligence is warning that Canadian immigration laws are too lenient and make Canada a perfect destination for would-be terrorists.
Speaking at the 15th World Terrorist and Disaster Management Conference in Toronto this week, Ty Fairman said Muslim radicals are arriving in Canada and heading for Ontar
"Feds: Illegal Immigration Fuels N. Georgia Gang Activity" - 07/14/05
The AP has the scoop:
Illegal immigration is contributing to a growth in gang activity in north Georgia, U.S.
"Terror-Linked Migrants Crossing Into U.S." - 07/03/05
The AP has a long report on Salim Boughader Mucharrafille, a Mexican-Lebanese people smuggler:
...A report released by the Sept.
No terrorists in Mexico? - 06/13/05
FWIW, see "Mexico's blind eye to al-Qaida activity. Intel sources see porous border posing major terror threat to U.S.":
...Gen. Jorge Serrano, the head of the Attorney General Office's special terrorism investigation unit, says no Muslim terrorists have been found living in Mexico.
Yet intelligence sources in the U.S. and Canada say Islamic jihadists have been working with zealots in Mexico for more than 20 years. Early activities were sponsored by Iran.
Rep. John Cornyn: "It is very clear to us that there are no Mexican terrorists" - 06/13/05
In something that apparently hasn't been covered by the U.S. press, American and Mexican legislators met in Rhode Island over the weekend to discuss issues of importance to the two countries. Similar annual meetings have been occuring for decades, and this year's event was apparently focusing on immigration matters. Details in "Strategy sought for migrant plan". I don't know how many U.S.
Illegal aliens arrest at shipyard: Pascagoula - 06/04/05
26 employees of a subcontractor of Northrop Grumman Ship Systems Operations in Pascagoula, MS have been arrested for working illegally in the U.S., falsely claiming to be U.S. citizens, and other violations. NGSS builds and repairs commercial ships as well as military vessels for the U.S. and other countries. The Navy was involved in this latest investigation.
Detailed local version in "Subcontractor employees arrested at Northrop".
Illegal immigration and civil insurrection - 06/03/05
It's not difficult to find MSM propaganda supporting massive illegal immigration.
Chinese illegal immigrants detained in Texas - 05/27/05
From this (victoriaadvocate-proxy.nandomedia . com/local/local/story/2803313p-3246198c.html):
Goliad County wrote a new chapter Tuesday in its ongoing dealings with human smuggling. Sheriff Robert DeLaGarza said more than a dozen Asians who appear to be illegal immigrants were caught traveling through south Goliad County by a deputy patrolling an area north of Sarco.
Other-than-Mexicans give themselves up to get released into the U.S. - 05/23/05
"OTM" means "other than Mexican", and refers to Central Americans, South Americans, Middle Easterners, North Koreans, etc. who are caught sneaking over our southern border. The article "Officials: OTMs 'a very grave problem'" states that many crossers choose Texas as the place to cross because they know they won't be detained due to limited detention space.
60 illegal aliens arrested at critical infrastructure sites - 05/23/05
From "ICE arrests 60 illegals working in sensitive areas":
Illegal aliens working for the Pentagon, repairing Navy planes - 05/19/05
No, really. From "N.C. airport workers arrested on alleged immigration violations":
Nine workers who service U.S.
DHS: Naval contractor employed 86 illegal aliens - 04/14/05
According to the DHS, out of 167 employees of a naval contractor, 86 are illegal aliens. The aliens painted Navy ships at the Naval Station San Diego and, of course, had some degree of access to the base and its 50+ ships.
"Illegal Workers Raise Security Concerns" - 04/14/05
The AP has a roundup of recent cases where illegal aliens were found to be working in sensitive facilities, including a nuclear power plant and as an airline mechanic. Surprisingly, the same AP headline is used in all of the dozens of newspapers that published the report.
Foreign Policy: "Gang World" - 04/07/05
Street gangs are proliferating around the world. The United States has unwittingly spurred this phenomenon by deporting tens of thousands of immigrants with criminal records each year. But that only partly explains how gangs went global. Credit also goes to the Internet, where gangs are staking out turf and spreading their culture online. Gang members may have never heard of globalization, but it is making them stronger...
FoxNews: "Illegal Alien Influx May Compromise Security" - 03/16/05
FoxNews is running a five-part series on the possible terrorism-related implications of our lax border policy.
I haven't seen the video, but the report includes the following:
"These people that are coming up here, including the undocumented, are good people that are enriching our lives. We do need them," said Juan Hernandez, a dual national and Texas resident who formerly represented Mexicans north of the border in the Mexican cabinet.
And did he ever.
"Illegals at power plant prompt call for legislation" - 03/14/05
Via Drudge comes this WashTimes report:
Illegal aliens using false Social Security numbers were able to enter and work as contract painters at a power plant in Florida, including work near one nuclear reactor.
Officials at Progress Energy, which runs the Crystal River Energy Complex in Citrus County, say they followed federal regulations and that the contractor should have better vetted its employees...
Shaaban (naturalized U.S. citizen accused of being an Iraq agent): trained by USSR in the 70's? - 03/08/05
The article "U.S.: Russia trained Greenfield man to spy" has a great deal of info on his background:
A Greenfield truck driver accused of offering to sell the names of U.S.
"FBI warns of 'special interest' aliens" - 03/08/05
FBI Director Robert Mueller confirmed before Congress today what has long been known: that aliens from terrorist-sponsoring countries have come over the Mexican border. Story: "FBI warns of 'special interest' aliens"
Note that he drew the distinction between terrorists and those just from countries that sponsor terrorism; he said he wasn't aware of any terrorists infiltrating the U.S. via our border. He also discussed terrorists trying to pose as Mexicans in order to blend in.
"Al-Qaeda's Illegal Immigration Threat" - 03/07/05
FPM has a roundup. It mentions Adm. James Loy's testimony, Rep. Solomon Ortiz' efforts, loose nukes, possible ties between gangs and terrorists, the Minuteman project, Rep.
Perhaps Fort Huachuca could be converted into the George W. Bush Guest Worker Transit Hub or something - 03/06/05
The Sierra Vista Herald discusses illegal aliens using Fort Huachuca in far southern Arizona as a transit hub in "Lawmakers say they see immigration as an issue for fort, too":
State Rep. Eddie Farnsworth, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, said Friday that illegal immigrants being detained on Fort Huachuca is a problem for the Army...
Farnsworth said garrison commander Col.
Naturalized U.S. citizen from Jordan accused of acting as an Iraqi agent - 03/04/05
"Hoosier jailed in Iraq conspiracy" has the details and a timeline. In brief, here's what Shaaban Hafiz Ahmad Ali Shaaban did or is accused of doing:
- went to Iraq and struck a deal with the Iraqi government to get $3 million dollars in exchange for the names of U.S. intelligence agents.
- fraudulently obtained an Indiana driver's license, complete with authority to transport hazardous materials
- fraudulently obtaining his U.S.
"Visas for Terror" - 03/02/05
Joel Mowbray:
In a sign that new Secretary of State Condi Rice is not yet ready to close the open-door visa policy for Saudis, consular chief Maura Harty was recently asked to say on indefinitely...
A controversial nominee to the post two and a half years ago, Ms. Harty swayed a reluctant Senate to confirm her by pledging substantial reform at the agency responsible for improperly issuing legal visas to all of the 9/11 terrorists.
Yet another arrest of illegal aliens at facilities building U.S. Navy ships - 03/01/05
Arrested yard workers identified: Workers for a Northrop Grumman Newport News subcontractor face immigration charges.
The two employees of a Northrop Grumman Newport News shipyard subcontractor who were arrested Friday were identified today as Sang Han Yang and Sang Bok Lee...
The shipyard, a sensitive site as the nation's only builder of nuclear aircraft carriers and one of two builders of nuclear submarines, was notified by the Navy of the arrests, said yard spokeswoman Jennifer Della
"U.S. Aides Cite Worry on Qaeda Infiltration From Mexico" - 02/18/05
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16 - ...Intelligence that "strongly suggests" that Al Qaeda operatives have considered using the Mexican border as an entry point was cited in written testimony [before Congress on Wednesday] by Adm. James M. Loy, the deputy secretary of homeland security.