"Illegals at power plant prompt call for legislation"
Via Drudge comes this WashTimes report:
Illegal aliens using false Social Security numbers were able to enter and work as contract painters at a power plant in Florida, including work near one nuclear reactor.
Officials at Progress Energy, which runs the Crystal River Energy Complex in Citrus County, say they followed federal regulations and that the contractor should have better vetted its employees...
[...Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite, Florida Republican calls for law changes to prevent this happening again...]
...The individuals worked for Brock Specialty Services, a Texas-based company that was hired to do maintenance at the facility...
See similar reports starting in "Yet another arrest of illegal aliens at facilities building U.S. Navy ships".
RF (not verified)
Tue, 04/05/2005 - 17:36
I worked at a Nuclear Power plant for 8 yrs. I was not allowed in the restricted areas until the Company I worked for did a FBI back ground check on me. How many more jobs are they going to take away from Americans. This Country will never be secure if we continue down the road of open Borders. God Bless the Minutemen in Arizona, they are true Patriots.
eh (not verified)
Tue, 03/15/2005 - 01:49
Perhaps there ought to be a call for existing laws to be enforced -- that might work too.