Tweets to maga man

maga man's avatar
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maga man
United States
Damn Yankee” lifetime member NRA#MakeAmericaGreatAgain. #TrumpPence2020. NO LISTS, unless you want blocked # Proud American MAGA support the blue KAG
Tweets to this user:
maga man's avatar
From @James_Alan61
RT @WhiteHouse: We believe in a SAFE and LAWFUL system of immigration—one that upholds our laws, our traditions, and our most cherished val…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
"Safe, legal, and orderly" is a shibboleth GWB & Obama have used. Now - no surprise - Trump has used it too. #MAGA = pro-amnesty. MT @James_Alan61 MT RT @WhiteHouse: We believe in a SAFE and LAWFUL system of immigration...