elise foley

elise foley: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Dara Lind of Vox shows GIGO on Trump's policies - 09/06/16

Dara Lind of Vox Media offers [1] the following, which would be hilarious if it weren't so sad:

Ask Elise Foley to explain why an anti-American bill might be popular (DREAM Act, Huffington Post) - 02/08/12

In the Huffington Post article about Antonio Villaraigosa attacking Mitt Romney, Elise Foley says this: Romney said in December that he would veto the Dream Act, a bill that would aid some undocumented young people and that receives high support from the public.

Radley Balko doesn't want you to see this (Huffington Post, immigration, libertarian) - 01/29/12

This site has perhaps the most open commenting policy on the internet. I don't need to delete or moderate comments because I make good, honest arguments and if someone disagrees I can defend my ideas. For a counterexample to the above, see Huffington Post contributor Radley Balko.