chris hayes
chris hayes: Page 1
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All in with Chris Hayes isn't diverse, despite his race obsession (MSNBC) - 03/30/13
Chris Hayes of the new MSNBC show "All in with Chris Hayes" has a quota system: few white men need apply ([1]).
However, despite Hayes' obsession with race, his show is like other TV news shows in that it's woefully lacking in diversity, as will be described below.
Univision opposes New York Times over term "illegal immigrant" (HuffPost, Maria Hinojosa, NAHJ, Chris Hayes) - 10/09/12
Jose Vargas (see the link) recently set off an intramural battle in the left-leaning media with his misleading campaign to get the New York Times and the Associated Press drop the term "illegal immigrant".
Occupy Wall Street or Teaparty: which is more fake? - 10/06/11
Occupy Wall Street ("OWS") as a movement appears to be about as fake as the Tea Parties as a movement. Some or many OWS members seem to support a policy that harms the lower and middle classes while it further enriches the rich. That policy lowers wages and increases costs on the lower and middle classes while enriching bankers and corrupt businesses and giving more power to corrupt politicians.
NYT: Adam Nagourney, Carl Hulse lie about Rand Paul quote (corrected on the Maddow show) - 05/24/10
On May 20, Carl Hulse and Adam Nagourney of the New York Times offered "Tea Party Pick Causes Uproar on Civil Rights" (, containing this completely false (and still uncorrected) statement about Rand Paul's appearance on the Rachel Maddow show:
Asked by Ms. Maddow if a private business had the right to refuse to serve black people, Mr. Paul replied, “Yes.”
He didn't say "yes", but "yeah", and only in the sense of "now that you're finished speaking let me get a chance" or similar. The "yeah" wasn't a response to Maddow's question, it was just...
Why Matt Corley of ThinkProgress is a lightweight (Marty Peretz Mexico comments) - 03/28/09
A few days ago, Mickey Kaus released excerpts from Ezra Klein's hitherto secure mailing list for "liberals", Journolist (link, closed group at The first message is from Chris Hayes in which he calls Marty Peretz of the New Republic a "f***ing racist" for this post [1]:
Well, I am extremely pessimistic about Mexican-American relations, not because the U.S. had done anything specifically wrong to our southern neighbor but because a (now not quite so) wealthy country has as its abutter a Latin society with all of its characteristic deficiencies:...
NAU apologists - 11/24/06
[List below updated 12/11/07]
Recently, Rep. Tom Tancredo was quoted as saying this:
"People have to understand what we're talking about here. The president of the United States is an internationalist... He is going to do what he can to create a place where the idea of America is just that – it's an idea. It's not an actual place defined by borders. I mean this is where this guy is really going... I know this is dramatic – or maybe somebody would say overly dramatic – but I'm telling you, that everything I see leads me to believe that this whole idea of the North American Union, it's not...