Amy Chance of SacBee misleads about "amnesty" (Steve Poizner's anti-Meg Whitman ad)

Sacramento Bee Political Editor Amy Chance offers "Ad Watch: Poizner launches largely misleading attack on Whitman" [1]. Referring to a recent anti-Meg Whitman ad from Steve Poizner which claims that Whitman "supports Obama's amnesty for illegal aliens", Chance writes:

"Amnesty" is a hot-button term that exaggerates Whitman's views on illegal immigration. She said in October she supports a policy "where people stand at the back of the line, they pay a fine, they do some things that would ultimately allow a path to legalization." Now she says she was referring to creating a guest worker program.

Read what Meg Whitman said about immigration back in October; she spouted a series of amnesty talking points. Whatever she says she meant, her page about this issue [2] - accessed at post time - says: "Meg is 100% opposed to any form of amnesty. As governor, will advocate for a comprehensive federal immigration solution that secures the border."

That's highly misleading, because the comprehensive immigration reform she promises to "advocate for" is amnesty. Or, at least that's how it will be perceived by millions of potential illegal aliens around the world. Whitman is just playing word games; see the reform not amnesty for a longer discussion. "Fact-checkers" like Amy Chance should tell you that rather than enabling Whitman's attempt to deceive.
