Mark Lloyd /FCC: "white people" must "step down so someone else can have power" (Diversity Czar)

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In May 2005, Mark Lloyd of the FCC - the Chief Diversity Officer or "Diversity Czar" - said the following [1]:

This... there's nothing more difficult than this. Because we have really, truly good white people in important positions. And the fact of the matter is that there are a limited number of those positions. And unless we are conscious of the need to have more people of color, gays, other people in those positions we will not change the problem.

We're in a position where you have to say who is going to step down so someone else can have power.

Video and more to follow.



"We're in a position where you have to say who is going to step down so someone else can have power." Who precisely is this "we" who is going to decide "who" must step down? And exactly how will "we" decide who this "who" is?

Once upon a time this country believe people should be judged by their individual merit. We've been moving for wards towards a socialized society, where people no longer has rights because they are are sovereign individual that God has endowed with liberty, but instead we are "granted" and deprived of rights based on the groups of people we just so happen to fall into. It's polarizing and a filthy trick for a distraction by the tyrants in office. Make the people suspicious and bitter towards each other by stealing from one group and giving hand outs to another. Make the group receiving the hand out think that they're entitled to it in order to alleviate guilt and the cries of outrage and "injustice" when the group that is being stolen from defends itself. It's been done through out history time and time again. All Obama serves to do is polarize us further, I'm sure the elites are absolutely enthralled with the amount of star power he has. Maybe he could get the American people to stop clutching their Constitution to their chests? Obama having been given the Nobel Peace prize for licking the proverbial boots of the UN is proof enough for me that the globalists are chomping at the bit for him to make even more severe moves to dismantling our Constitution. There's a game that came out not too long ago where that's the central plot and conflict, "2011: Obama's Coup Fails", you can do a search for it in google. I'm wary of anyone that been "honored" with that award, because for the most part it's only been given to individuals and groups who murder, lie, commit treason or are eugenists.

What he is really saying whites must disappear or i mean white guys the white woman can stay and get FU$# BY The other people and make nice little monkeys. When the monkeys start jumping witch out monkeys can be dangerous if let loose. And man have we let monkeys loose in this country. Check out the story about Herman Thomas( Red Alerts ) from alabama a black democrat who kept getting elected as a circuit will love how he did sodomy, kidnapping and sex abuse and his ideals are obamas ideals.