Texas State Rep. Roberto Alonzo lies in Democratic radio address (immigration "reform")
Oddly enough, the Democratic Party doesn't seem to be crowing about Teddy Kennedy's massively successful Senate immigration amnesty bill. Rather, they're concentrating on pointing out Mitt Romney's flip-flops from when he used to support the previous version of McCain-Kennedy (link), highlighting the unimportant McCain F-you quote (link), highlighting McCain's latest quip (link), and generally acting like ThinkProgress.
However, they do have an example of outrageous demagoguery regarding immigration. Texas State Representative Roberto Alonzo gave the Hispanic Democratic radio address on Friday or Saturday (link), and said something that even a far-left loon like Cardinal Roger Mahony would consider a lie:
Two years ago a very different debate on immigration began than the one we see today. Under the Republican Congress, the debate began by scapegoating immigrants for political gain and even went as far as trying to criminalize clergy.
The last is quite simply a lie. And, of course, "scapegoating immigrants" is Democrat code for "opposing widespread illegal activity".
He goes on to support foreign citizens marching in our streets, making a show of force and demanding rights to which they aren't entitled. This shouldn't come as a suprise, considering the links between various Democrats and the organizers of some of the illegal immigration marches; some of those organizers are linked to the Mexican government and Mexican political parties:
The hundreds of thousands of people who marched for peace, opportunity, and hope during the last two years helped put a human face on the issue of immigration.
He does allow us one thing:
Real reform has to protect our borders. That's the duty of any country.
Then, he goes on to support massive, endless legalization for those here now and those to come:
But the reform must also protect workers, reunite families, and allow hardworking people who obey the law and pay taxes to have the opportunity to apply for the responsibilities of citizenship. This earned path to citizenship should also be available to workers who would come in the future to help meet our economic needs and help improve our communities.
AJK (not verified)
Tue, 05/22/2007 - 19:37
HS 11061 ari_khan@hotmail.com 2007-05-22T21:37:23-05:00
It sure would be nice to have some outspoken anti-amnesty Hispanic folks. It seems anytime an Hispanic name is associated with immigration in any newspaper/internet article, it's always pushing for the ridiculous amnesty for illegals. This guy, Alonzo, is your typically pro-amnesty moron.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 05/22/2007 - 21:56
HS 11062 dawes57@cox.net 2007-05-22T23:56:40-05:00
Well yes! Roberto Alonzo is a tool of Mexico city just like Bush is, and hell people you are being sold just like some black slave in the 1700'S if you can't is that fact you must be a fool.
amanda (not verified)
Tue, 05/22/2007 - 23:48
HS 11063 asdfjklsc@yahoo.com 2007-05-23T01:48:16-05:00
Yeah, that's a pretty big 'but..."
mary (not verified)
Wed, 05/23/2007 - 03:23
HS 11064 maryellenburke2005@comcast.net 2007-05-23T05:23:38-05:0
Ya mean like Linda Chavez and Navarette, and Geraldo....makes one think the Azatlan takeover is being conducted by both US citizens and Meicans doesn't it?