Former Border Patrol agents: no amnesty

Around two hundred members of an apparently new organization called the "National Association of Former Border Patrol Agents" have issued a position paper calling for:
* securing the border and tight screening of those permitted to enter;

* opposition to any legislation that would allow aliens to remain in the country who have entered illegally and remained illegally;

* meaningful employer sanctions;

* a guest worker program with tight restrictions.
As for the latter, the restrictions would have to be very tight in order to avoid the issue of "guests" having U.S. citizen children, making deporting them very difficult. And, I'm a bit worried that the Pence amnesty scheme sounds like it could be hammered into their framework. Nevertheless, I'm willing to listen, but I haven't been able to find their site.

I'm also concerned because on June 6, 2006, John Tierney of the New York Times wrote a paean to the Bracero program ("Securing the Border (Again)",, using NAFBPA member Buck Brandemuehl as a starting point. Another member of the organization is Hugh Brien.

Many of the signers participated in the administration of the 1986 amnesty program. They say the problems with it included:

* Rampant fraud

* Judicial extension of the program

* The effects of chain migration โ€“ whereby six family members ultimately follow to join each alien who achieves legal status.


no what the X, B/P, Guys are saying is this nation will become mexico, read it and remember most X B/P, are hispanics who love mexico and its government, not all but most, see it for what it is not what you want it to be.

The enemy understand you but do you understand the enmy in front of you? its about the trojan horse, listen to michael savage.