Newest, lowest new low from Huffington Post?
Baby Blumenthal - son of Submarine Sid and nee "Max" - goes after Alito here. Well, not directly. The Alito he goes after is Judge Alito's son, currently a student at Colgate University. He points out this bit from Phil Alito's biography:
..I was born 9 months and 2 weeks later by a midwife/wolf named Janie Jean, who would prove very influential during my formative years. Shortly after, I became interested in politics and got involved with Gary Condit (not like that). I served as a parking aide to Nancy Pelosi (I won't even start on her) but was fired when Barbara Boxer came onto me.
If you read the link, you'll see that it's college "humor", the same variety engaged in by most college students (save for humorless prats). See also "Sliming Alito - and badly, at that" (, which, while having nothing to do with the current case, is quite apt. Although at least they're going after the man himself with their smears.