Truth must be ultimate weapon for Sierra Club

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From the Arizona Republic:

Mark Twain said, "A lie can travel halfway round the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." It's astonishing how the media have been stampeded into a feeding frenzy by mostly one-sided stories charging that an army of racist, anti-immigrant, animal-loving vegetarians is about to take over the venerable Sierra Club...

In recent years, the environmental movement has lacked courage to address the root cause of most environmental problems: rapid and apparently endless U.S. population growth. With our high levels of consumption, we Americans are stealing the resources of the world from other species, other peoples and future generations.

The longer the environmental movement and its flagship, the Sierra Club, shirk their responsibility to speak out forcefully for a policy of U.S. population stabilization - that includes both reduced levels of fertility and immigration - the worse off all future generations will be...