Hot Air readers still turning their backs on millions of Americans in California

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Alternate title: "Yet Another Example of How the "Patriots" in the Tea Parties as Represented by the HotAir Readership Aren't Really Patriots at All". See this for a previous example.

The latest example features a post by Erika Johnsen entitled "The coming California supermajority?" ( ); while she's toned down her anti-California stance since the last time, her readers more than pick up the slack.

First, there are the just-wall-off-California comments, like this one:

The faster conservatives can leave the faster will be CA’s downward spiral. It will be fun to watch. Can we find a way to fence the liberals and illegals in CA so they can’t screw up the rest of the country?

As in the first post, those who express such sentiments should listen to Antonio Villaraigosa: "take a snapshot of Los Angeles and in 25 or 30 years so will go Topeka, Kansas and Des Moines, Iowa."

Then, there are those who don't know that blue states like California prop up solid red states (in addition to probably giving more to charity). Comments are separated by dashes:

Other people’s money. It’s a wonderful thing.
The red states will be tapped to bail them out.
Another $10 billion the rest of us will never see. [about a loan from the federal government]

Then, there are dozens of just plain anti-American, non-patriotic comments. Here's a sample, just from part of the first page of comments:

Let them go to Hell or to Mexico, but I repeat myself.
If the Left wants to destroy CA I say get out of the way and let them
No more vacation dollars for California! It’s just a shame it had to happen in a state of such natural beauty. Democrats wreck everything they touch.
I saw this coming fifteen years ago when I left for Utah. Move while you still can. They will be looking for ways to keep you captive and beholden to the People’s Republic of California. Why is it that earthquakes never show up when you actually need one?
Let it burn.. The Californians made their bed and must live with. The House must block any bailouts.
You will know it’s over for Cali, when the most Leftist institution of the Hollyweirdo’s start running away from Cali. In the mean time the Dems will continue to commit fiscal suicide, so let them! When these intransigent children, figure out their policies are killing them, it will be too late! ...God Bless America!
Oregon needs to build a border fence at it’s southern border. So does every state that borders California. The Rats have to scatter somewhere.
Personally I hope CA fails spectacularly so that people will have a clear example of what the future holds for America from progressive, statist governance.
Fall back to defensive lines – let them try to take it…..
Eff California. (by "patriette")
Umm.. the bailout the states it needs to pass the House..m’kay. Hopefully even Boner says no to that and Ryan has had sufficient sulking time (which honey totally deserves) to lead the charge. Seriously, stirring up resentment against California and Illinois will help Ryan immensely in swing states in 2016. So I dare Brown to ask for a federal bailout.. Please do that. It’ll help Rs in the other 49 states.
Not to worry, when it all comes crashing down the will come to Congress for a bail out and those useless bastards will make the rest of us pay for it. America is so screwed its gone past ridiculous into the sublime.
Let Californians die by their own stupidity... ...I don’t hate Californians but they are killing themselves by their own hand. Let them do it.
If you want to self-destruct, that’s fine – but don’t flee to other states and then start the whole process all over again.
And Congress, still controlled by the GOP with all those blue states, should tell them to go to hell. Why would be bail out a worthless state like California? Screw them and let them wallow in the mess of their own making! Gauranteed that I’m not alone in that sentiment.
The problem is they will expect fuscally responsible states to bail them out and they will move to those states and start turning them blue too.
No Bailout!
California is a cancer on this nation.
Congress should just let Cali burn, either through our GOP House or by filibuster in the Senate. No bailouts for California. Whatever it takes. People need to learn.
Let it burn.. Off the cliff. Off the cliff I say.

Those in the Teaparties are great at pretending to be patriots, but fail at actually being patriotic.