How many millions of his fellow citizens does Glenn Reynolds think are "parasites"?
The reader will forgive me if I admit to being momentarily taken aback by Glenn Reynolds referring to potentially millions of his fellow citizens as "parasites"; given his history I shouldn't be surprised that he'd write this [1]:
WILL AMERICA SEE EUROPE-STYLE RIOTS? Newsweek sounds hopeful, but in America, unlike Europe, it’s usually the taxpayers who are behind the revolutions, not the parasites.
Who exactly is Reynolds referring to as "parasites"? How many millions of his fellow citizens does he include under that banner? Should he be including his friends in the tea parties in that banner? They're "parasites" of a sort: they want all the trappings of the modern U.S. (roads, policing, healthcare, Social Security, etc. etc. etc.) but they also want to drown the government in a bathtub.
Or, does he just mean Welfare Queens? Or, perhaps he means groups like the Service Employees International Union, which combine doing some good things (most Americans support the concept of unionization) with doing some very bad things (the SEIU strongly supports illegal immigration). Instead of opposing the SEIU on their support for and profiteering from illegal activity, libertarians would just prefer that they didn't exist. Of course, perhaps Reynolds means the millions of public sector employees in the U.S.: teachers, nurses, and other fields.
Or, maybe he means the millions of his fellow citizens who are unemployed. Even with very high unemployment, Barack Obama as well as libertarians and "Profits at any Price" conservatives on Reynolds' side of things are pushing for amnesties and higher immigration. Reynolds has said nothing against them that I know of, and he's also one of the promoters of the Fiscal Con that seeks to sweep concerns about immigration under the rug.
There are millions of illegal aliens in the U.S., many of whom are taking jobs that Reynolds' fellow citizens could be taking, and Reynolds isn't trying to encourage enforcement in order to get some of them employed. Instead, he's calling potentially tens of millions of his fellow citizens "parasites".
[1] pajamasmedia . com/instapundit/121611; the "EUROPE-STYLE RIOTS" is a link to You can search for past use of that term at pajamasmedia . com/instapundit/?s=parasites