Laura W. Murphy of ACLU misleads about Arizona immigration law
Laura W. Murphy of the ACLU writes [1]:
Today, the ACLU joined with our allies in the nation’s capital to let federal lawmakers know that Arizona’s racial profiling law, S.B. 1070, is about much more than just the state of Arizona and its immigrants. It’s about how we see ourselves as a nation.
On Wednesday, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Arizona v. U.S. and it’s important to note this case will pose certain fundamental questions that members of Congress, the administration, and the public should all being weighing. Will we protect the American way of life where people of all ethnicities can live and travel, without being scrutinized by the police, or will we tolerate a police state requiring all people, including U.S. citizens, to carry birth certificates or passports at all times? Will we allow discriminatory laws on our books that will require law enforcement to profile people based on their skin color, language, or accent, or will we demand that our police administer their powers based on a person’s conduct, not on her or his skin color, language, or accent?
The Arizona law wouldn't do anything like what she suggests, no one wants to do what she suggests, and few would allow what she suggests. In brief, she's somewhere between being extremely hyperbolic and just making things up.
Legal immigrants are already required to carry their immigration documents on their persons at all times [2]. Citizens can easily prove their status (in the unlikely cases where it would even come up), and if any citizens are falsely assumed to be non-citizens, then rest assured the ACLU will rush in to make it a cause celebre.
The last sentence describes what the Border Patrol has done successfully and with few complaints from the far-left for decades. The Arizona law was modified [3] to require a "lawful stop, detention or arrest... in the enforcement of any other law or ordinance". Thus, any contact in relation to immigration would be in relation to someone's "conduct". After that:
where reasonable suspicion exists that the person is an alien who and is unlawfully present in the united states, a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person, except if the determination may hinder or obstruct an investigation.
Police forces who'd implement that would realize they're being watched very closely by groups like the ACLU. Most likely they would be very careful in applying the above. If they aren't, then the ACLU can step in and make a cause celebre. The ACLU doesn't even want to try because their goal is to enable illegal immigration and SB1070 is just in the way of that.
See American Civil Liberties Union for things about them you won't hear from many others, including the fact that they collaborated with the Mexican government to undercut U.S. immigration enforcement.
[1] aclu . org/blog/immigrants-rights-racial-justice/
[2] From the "Your Rights and Responsibilities" section of
What you do now as a permanent resident can affect your ability to become a U.S. citizen later. The process of becoming a U.S. citizen is called "naturalization."... ...As a permanent resident, it is your responsibility to: ...Carry proof of your permanent resident status at all