Tweets to Craig Anderson

Craig Anderson's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Craig Anderson
St Peteooine
RAYS, BLUE (U of M), politics, economics. Likes to spell correctly. Not a fan of corporatocracies #UniteBlue RTaholic Rationalist
Tweets to this user:
Craig Anderson's avatar
From @CraigCanderson2
RT @RVAwonk: NEW: A day after defending their decision not to ban Alex Jones/Infowars, Twitter has removed *some* Infowars content. The mo…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Some isn't enough. He has to be banned completely. Join me August 17 in NYC where we're going to burn his books in a Bonfire Against Hate! MT @CraigCanderson2 MT @RVAwonk: NEW: after defending decision not to ban Alex Jones/Infowars, Twitter has removed *some* Infowars content