How conservative activists like O'Keefe could have made CNN look worse

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CNN offers "Fake pimp from ACORN videos tries to 'punk' CNN correspondent" (link) about the latest stunt from conservative activist James OKeefe (linked to Andrew Breitbart and others). Obviously, the sordid stunt went badly awry.

Instead of letting their Young Republican fratboy freak flag fly, how could conservative activists have made CNN look bad? Well, perhaps by helping me do things the right way as I've been trying - with almost zero help - for several years. For just a few examples:

1. In August 2007, they could have pressured CNN to ask Mike Huckabee my question in their upcoming debate.

2. In November 2007, they could have helped me point out that CNN asked John McCain a weak question and let him mislead.

3. Over the past year plus, they could have helped me point out that CNN has repeatedly lied about the Obama citizenship issue. (Instead, pointing out that Howard Kurtz lied about objective facts got me banned from one rightwing site.)

4. In April, they could have helped me get a correction from Sam Feist after CNN lied about Arizona's immigration law. That followed Rick Sanchez's even more outrageous lie.

5. They could have asked David Axelrod tough immigration questions at one of his appearances, something that would make both him and John King by comparison look bad.

There's lots of things they could have done or helped me with, but instead - like the tea parties - they have an "act out" gene: they just want to put on a show.