Barack Obama, Al Gore, Bill Richardson begin Amanda Marcotte bidding war

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As soon as a door closes, a window opens or something, and recently-resigned John Edwards blogger Amanda Marcotte is learning that Edwards' loss might be B. Hussein Obama's gain. Or... Al Gore's or Bill Richardson's gain!

Shortly after issuing her resignation, the plain-speaking blogger who's unafraid to use vulgar words learned that those three campaigns were considering hiring her to write their own blogs!

Now, a bidding war has erupted, with the three presidential contenders promising her a huge salary together with an impressive array of perks to join their campaigns and chart their course through the blogosphere. Many members of that virtual world have chimed in with their own favorite, some at DailyKos prefering that she works for Gore, with the more liberal MyDD prefering that she goes to Gore.


[Lonewacko notes: As soon as I heard about her being hired, I posted how this indicated flaws in John Edwards' judgment. All those who then pointed to her various statements validated that opinion, yet this site received very little attention. Nothing new there. Then, the huge storm started. Then, I started this, but didn't put a lot of work into promoting it. Now, I've posted this entry. I don't really like discussing this because the more this site sees of blogs, the less this site wants to be a blog. This site wants to be a real site, not one of... them.]


She is vulgar and rude, and can not get her facts straight.

Never bothered to read her, but IMO the latter, if true, is a much bigger problem than the former.

She is vulgar and rude, and can not get her facts straight.

Never bothered to read her, but IMO the latter, if true, is a much bigger problem than the former.

Edwards is shedding the softie,breck girl image's video proof:

I've heard and read some of the comments this woman makes, and quite frankly, anyone who would hire her is a fool. She is vulgar and rude, and can not get her facts straight. Any of the other candidates that are considering hiring her to write for them are asking for trouble. They deserve to lose if they hire people like this.