Teresa Watanabe on illegal alien children

Teresa Watanabe of the Los Angeles Times has a somewhat balanced overview of the issue of illegal alien children in "Children of illegal immigrants are caught in a web of conflicting public policies". It features a few quotes from CIS and FAIR representatives, but it also ends on this PIIPPish note that she or someone else there should take a closer look at:
During a recent visit to the Gomezes' tidy Los Angeles apartment, all four family members spoke of the importance of hard work and education. Cesar and Thania's father, Felipe Gomez, who came here illegally in 1990, said his main motivation was to give his two children opportunities.

Indeed, Gomez said, he wouldn't have brought his children here if they could not have attended public schools.
This follows a slight promotion of the DREAM Act, and while there might have been others this is the first article I can recall that sought out the parents of those who would be given college discounts under that anti-American bill. Unfortunately, Watanabe didn't ask him the follow-up questions: "so, what you're saying is that all those benefits we give to illegal aliens served as an incentive? And, without those incentives, you wouldn't have come here, right? And, as long as we continue to offer such incentives, more people will come here illegally, right?"
Cesar Gomez works full time, volunteers with the Central American Resource Center (CARECEN) and last year marched for immigrant rights.

"Whatever sentiments people have toward immigrants," Cesar said, "everyone is human and deserves equal rights and equal opportunities β€” especially in this great country, especially those who have tried so hard to stay ahead."
I tend to strongly suspect that Watanabe was introduced to him through CARECEN, but unfortunately she doesn't disclose how that happened. And, while illegal aliens do have human rights, those rights aren't to be confused (as he does) with citizenship or legal resident rights. If he's a citizen of Mexico or another country, he should talk to them about his citizenship rights. Needless to say, Watanabe ends on his misleading statements rather than challenging them.


Public Schools:

In my very diverse high school there was un-intentional academic segregation. The upper level classes did not reflect the demographics of the school overall. There was a much higher concentration of Anglo-Americans in the advanced placement courses.

If immigrants want better opportunities why are there only a few taking advantage of these upper level courses?

Why aren't parents learning English and helping their kids learn to read if they are so concerned about opportunities?

Public schools may be a good opportunity for immigrants but is immigration benefiting the quality of public school education for the legal students?

The day after the "gran marcha" last year, Mickey Kaus pointed out some problems with another one of Teresa Watanabe's immigration pieces:
