Albany Democrat-Herald (Oregon) supports open borders. Literally.

The editorial "Consider an open border with Mexico" from Oregon's Albany Democrat-Herald has to be read to be believed. They are literally supporting an open border with Mexico:

...We have the North American Free Trade Agreement, which links the economies of the United States, Mexico and Canada. But this arrangement doesn't seem to extend to the movement of people... If it did, there would be no such person as an illegal alien from Mexico — or Canada — in the United States. Instead, citizens of each would be free to move from any one of the three countries to one of the others. They could live where they wanted and work wherever they were qualified to work, or where their labor was wanted and needed...

This is obviously an anti-American and an un-American concept, and if you're in their readership area I urge you to boycott them and encourage everyone you know to do the same.

The Democrat-Herald is owned by Lee Enterprises, which publishes 58 newspapers across the U.S. Consider boycotting those as well, and if you're in the mood let their CEO Mary E. Junck know what you're doing: (563) 383-2100.

In addition to many smaller papers, their major publications are:
- Arizona Daily Star
- North County Times
- The Times of NW Indiana
- St. Louis Post Dispatch
- Lincoln Journal Star
- Wisconsin State Journal / The Capital Times

Note that the idea of creating a "North American community" is one openly supported by the CFR and other anti-American groups. Perhaps this editorial is just a planted trial balloon intended to test popular opinion about the plan.


The Big Guns are on the side of the enemy. The MSM, the Dems, and the dominant(Bush) wing of GOP all see the nation-state as an obsolete concept(at least for Western, economically advanced countries).They see the US as (at best ) a military base of operations for a empire designed to protect the interests of transnational corporations. Some on the "left" simply have a lust for destruction and want to see the USA cease to exist. They are all assuming that the vast majority of the traditional American population will remain asleep, either because of fixations on the trivialities of daily life or blind partisan loyalties. NEITHER PARTY IS A FRIEND TO THE AMERICAN MAJORITY.It will take a tremendous popular upheaval to avoid the fate these elites have in store for us.