Washington Post supports illegal immigration
Posted Wed, Feb 1, 2006 at 11:18 am · short link
Proving once again just how much they support illegal immigration, Nikita Stewart of the Washington Post offers "Mix-Up Reveals Va. Day Laborers' Rising Fear" (washingtonpost . com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/31/AR2006013101459.html).
It's like Fahrenheit 451 come to life:
Perhaps he could go to work for "Mexicans Without Borders", which is more popularly known as "Mexicanos sin Fronteras". One wonders exactly why the Spanish version of their name wasn't provided, and whether the WaPo reporter played a part in that, and whether that was intentional. In any case, that group's site is at mexicanossinfronteras.org, where they express their unconditional support for the EZLN, otherwise known as the "Zapatista Army of National Liberation".
Here's a new slogan this illegal immigration-supporting newspaper should try out: "Raise the fist with the Washington Post!"
It's like Fahrenheit 451 come to life:
When William Lilley, who counts traffic for a living, and his two co-workers pulled into the Woodbridge 7-Eleven parking lot yesterday morning at 5:15, the handfuls of men in work boots and jeans regarded them warily.While traffic counters aren't immigration agents, obviously they shouldn't be making such statements. Perhaps Lilley should find a job with a private agency instead.
The Virginia Department of Transportation workers had arrived to count cars and pedestrians at the intersection of busy Route 1 and Longview Drive, but Lilley said he immediately realized that to the day laborers waiting for work at the convenience store, they looked like the enemy...
Before Lilley, who speaks Spanish, could explain who they were, some laborers walked off the site, and others called advocacy groups Mexicans Without Borders and the Woodbridge Workers Committee. Before Lilley and company could make their identities known, the two groups had sent out a joint news release that read: "ALERT - Urgent: Minuteman show up at Woodbridge VA day laborers site today."
...Lilley said that his wife is Hispanic and that the couple have closely followed the day-laborer disputes in the news. He said he told his colleagues that the workers were frightened.
"I speak Spanish. I whispered to a couple of them, 'Don't worry. We're with the state,' " he said.
Perhaps he could go to work for "Mexicans Without Borders", which is more popularly known as "Mexicanos sin Fronteras". One wonders exactly why the Spanish version of their name wasn't provided, and whether the WaPo reporter played a part in that, and whether that was intentional. In any case, that group's site is at mexicanossinfronteras.org, where they express their unconditional support for the EZLN, otherwise known as the "Zapatista Army of National Liberation".
Here's a new slogan this illegal immigration-supporting newspaper should try out: "Raise the fist with the Washington Post!"
perroazul del norte (not verified)
Wed, 02/01/2006 - 22:53
Bush is basically a One-World multicult leftist in the mold of his predecessor. Notice, for example, how it took him four years to finally name the enemy as "radical Islam". His big business ties are probably not significantly greater than Clinton's were and , in any case, numerous big capitalists were in bed with the Soviet Union throughout its entire history. And, of course, the corporations have no national loyalty.
Bush and the neocons are not conservatives because they have no concern for the traditions and customs of the historic nation they presume to represent. What passes for conservatism in the US today is simply Bible-thumping linked to military adventurism. Many have commented on the similarity between the messianic Bush/neocon plan to bring democracy to the entire world and Trotsky's theory of "permanent revolution".
LomaAlta (not verified)
Wed, 02/01/2006 - 18:36
The Wa Post is radical left and thus hates America. They will do anything to further their agenda. But, this is what we have come to expect from the far left MSM.
On a larger issue, I wonder what deal President Bush has made with Vicente Fox? I am reaching for reasons why President Bush supports open borders/mass amnesty policies 4 years after 9/11. Every time I try to understand it, it winds up making no sense. I have had friends say things as wild as illegal aliens worked at the Crawdford ranch and that Jeb Bush married an illegal alien. Neither would explain the President's position. If anyone understands why President Bush insists on open borders and mass amnesty, please let me know.
Ralph (not verified)
Wed, 02/01/2006 - 13:43
Yet another reason to like the Post