Fabian Nunez: Hillary Clinton's new national campaign co-chair

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Hillary Clinton has just named California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez as a national co-chair of her campaign, saying:

"I'm going to be relying on him very heavily because he has a record of a achievement."

(Latter part of the quote via KFI, which also asked whether he had been offered a spot in the Hillary administration. He didn't answer, saying it was too early to comment.)

Nunez is a virulent Mexican partisan with (at the least) activist roots who denies using the word "rednecks" despite there being an audio tape. He traveled to Mexico in 2005, and spoke with Vicente Fox last year. He has at least one link to Aztlan extremist Armando Navarro.

Hillary Clinton picks National Council of La Raza's Raul Yzaguirre to co-chair


Don't forget that Anchor Baby Faby was photographed saluting the Mexican flag a few years back, with touching tears in his eyes yet! Not to mention the audio of him praising Aztlan etc. Let's embarass the hell out of Hillary for hooking up with this racist raza creep.

_Nunez is a virulent Mexican partisan..._ Maybe so. At the least, as a Hispanic he shows racial consciousness and solidarity. Anyway, neither of these is seen as a disadvantage in elite democratic political circles. But I really don't think they need to work/pander this hard to get the Hispanic vote -- after all, what alternative is there?

The Other Mary, Nunez was also videotaped saluting during the Mexican national anthem, minutes after he had been chatting with his pals while the American national anthem was played. It's on youtube.

_Let's embarass the hell out of Hillary for hooking up with this racist raza creep._ Can't blame him for sticking up for his kind -- nothing wrong with 'racism' in that sense, IMO. The problem is politicians like Hillary Clinton, and in general that white Americans do not show the same ethnic consciousness, which in the end may cost them their country. And at this point, it may be tough to embarrass her; after all, she is married to Bill...

_and in general that white Americans do not show the same ethnic consciousness, which in the end may cost them their country._ We're not _allowed_ to show "ethnic consciousness" as that would be "racist." Erik -- thanks for the tip, I'll check it out. Brenda Walker has a pic of him saluting the Mexican flag (with touching tears in his eyes) as her top post today. I'm gonna make a little link package of Faby's greatest hits and blast it to Lou Dobbs and O'Reilly, etc.

I heard Clinton's statement "I'm going to be relying on him very heavily" on KFI and had to laugh. Not because of anything particular to Clinton or Nunez, but because this is the kind of statement that every politician says, no matter what political stripe - and they never mean it. I bet that as early as next week, as Clinton shifts to court some other demographic, Nunez will make a call and be routed to some handler. But you can bet that Clinton will get all friendly again when there's money that has to be raised. This cycle is more depressing than the debate cycle, and is probably more meaningless. Note that the people that the candidates TRULY rely on aren't fawned over with this wonderful language. Did Jimmy Carter spend his time praising Charles Kirbo? Did Dubya spend his time praising Karl Rove? Nope.