Proposition 187 news articles (187flashback)

For future reference, the extended entry contains a few news articles from 1994 and 1995 concerning California's Proposition. Other articles will follow.

Note that Fabian Nunez is currently the Speaker of the California Assembly. While Nativo Lopez is fairly extremist, in the boycott case he was less extremist than Nunez.

Paper: Press-Enterprise, The (Riverside, CA)
Title: Prop. 187 sails to easy passage - The immigration measure fares
well in Riverside County.
Author: Jack Robinson
Date: November 9, 1994
Section: A SECTION
Page: A01

...Supporters and opponents agree the next likely step is a court
challenge. Parts of the law written to take effect Jan. 1 likely will be suspended by injunction until its legality is settled.

Fabian Nunez, executive director of the Pomona-based Alliance for Immigrant Rights, declared that legal challenge will be announced today by a coalition of organizations.

"That is the hope we still have," Nunez said. Opponents hope the
courts "will in essence bring justice to the injustice that has been
brought on our community by Proposition 187," he said.

Opponents say a key weakness in Prop. 187 is a 1982 U.S. Supreme
Court ruling that struck down a similar Texas law. Attorneys for the
opposition say the court is unlikely to reverse that decision.

...As the measure appeared to be headed to a big win, opponents last
night looked for reasons to cheer. Many said the measure will invigorate
Hispanic voters and strengthen the Democratic Party.

"We're angry, hopeful, happy that this has galvanized the Latino
community," said Kevin de Leon of the non-profit One-stop Immigration and
Education Center of Los Angeles.

"The Republicans have lost the Latino vote forever in the state,"
proclaimed state Democratic Party chairman Bill Press...

...Funded by the California Teachers Association and other major
donors, the opposition campaign raised far more money and made far more noise
than the low-key Yes campaign.

Paper: Houston Chronicle
Title: Immigrant activists announce boycott of Disney, Nabisco
Date: December 9, 1994
Section: ANEWS
Page: 27

LOS ANGELES -- Activists who unsuccessfully fought California's
Proposition 187 at the ballot box unveiled formal boycott plans Thursday
against two U.S. corporate icons -- the purveyors of Mickey Mouse and Oreos
-- in an effort to capitalize on the economic clout of Latino consumers
and others opposed to the immigration initiativeBoycott organizers,
who are hoping to win support throughout the United States and Latin
America, are targeting Walt Disney and RJR Nabisco because of major
donations by corporate officers to the re-election campaign of Gov. Pete
Wilson and other pro-187 Republican candidates.

"We want to sensitize companies like Disneyland that make earnings
from immigrants," Fabian Nunez of La Alianza in Pomona said outside the
main entrance to the Anaheim tourist mecca. "These corporations need to
be sensitive to the people that make them wealthy."

...Sponsoring the action against the tobacco and food conglomerate is
the California Latino Civil Rights Network, an activist group that
helped organize a large anti-187 march in Los Angeles last spring.

The Disney boycott is being led by Coordinadora '96, a coalition of
leaders of smallish grass-roots immigration rights groups including
One-Stop Immigration of Los Angeles and La Alianza
. The group said its
boycott will also concentrate on Chevron -- another substantial
contributor to Wilson's campaign -- and on national convention business slated
for California.

Thursday's actions are the latest in a series of Latino-led boycotts
-- some seemingly spontaneous, others, like Thursday's moves, planned
in advance -- against donors to Wilson, who made his support for
Proposition 187 a centerpiece of his re-election effort.

Organizers made it clear that additional companies would be targeted
because of their financial support for Wilson and other Republicans.
The GOP helped bankroll the pro-187 campaign, and Wilson ran a series of
tough pro-187 TV ads

Paper: The Orange County Register
Title: Groups denounce Disneyland boycott - RALLY: Hispanic and labor
groups say union workers would suffer from action proposed by Prop. 187
Author: MIKE GORDONThe Orange County Register
Date: December 10, 1994
Section: METRO
Page: b05

As the Disneyland marquee flashed "Welcome" in six languages, labor
unions and Hispanic groups Friday announced their opposition to a proposed
boycott of the theme park by groups who fought Proposition 187.

Representatives from six groups _ including Hermandad Mexicana
Nacional and the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union Local 681 _
criticized boycott plans by anti-Prop. 187 activists, saying the move
lacks broad support from the Hispanic community."We want to make clear
to the Latino community that broad-based national and state Latino
organizations oppose the boycott," said Nativo V. Lopez, co-national
director of Hermandad.

"Our message is one of caution. Our message is one of reuniting our
community, of healing wounds and assisting those who are eligible to
get citizenship status," he said.

Disneyland employs about 700 Hispanics.

..."We are not anti-union," said Fabian Nunez, national coordinator of
the National Coordinating Committee for Citizenship and Civic
. "This is the question of the dignity of a community. The Latino
community is sick and tired of being used as political scapegoats."

The coalition has targeted Walt Disney Co. and RJR Nabisco because
of campaign donations each made in this year's campaign for governor.


Keep up the good work.