Barack Obama wants national holiday for Cesar Chavez

In an absurdly obvious attempt at pandering, Barack Obama wants to make Cesar Chavez' birthday a national holiday (

...As farmworkers and laborers across America continue to struggle for fair treatment and fair wages, we find strength in what Cesar Chavez accomplished so many years ago...

Just one problem: unlike Barack Obama, Chavez opposed illegal immigration. In fact, he even called the INS on illegal aliens. If Obama were truly interested in "fair treatment and fair wages", he'd work to reduce illegal immigration. Instead, in the unlikely event he were elected president, just like Bush he'd work to keep the cheap labor flowing.

The bill to make Chavez' birthday a national holiday is being pushed by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, including Rep. Joe Baca. Eight states celebrate the "Cesar Chavez Day of Service and Learning", which probably doesn't feaure his opposition to illegal immigration. Asking Obama about the conflicts between his and Chavez' positions on illegal activity would make an interesting conversation starter and Youtube video.


_...we find strength in what Cesar Chavez accomplished so many years ago..._ What's with this "we" bullshit?

Does anyone really believe that Cesar Chavez deserves a national holiday? George Washington gets a holiday. Abraham Lincoln gets a holiday. (Unfortunately, those two holidays merged.) Dr. King gets a holiday. Organizing farm workers is simply not comparable to the accomplishments of the others. This holiday is really about Latinos demonstrating their political strength and demanding tribute to their ethnic pride.

What the hell why not? we have other so called holidays for are Red guys like MLK Day and we must all get in line for the real Holiday the Red Guard day..see history see mass murder see evil acts of mexico city see former USSR. Obama is your enemy and someday inside the former USA It will look and smell just like south america and asia and africa with no pleasant odor of freedom only the unpleasant odor of enslavement with the muslim coming up behind you with a sword for your head. the world oligarchies end game made with one world government by using the third world population here on the last place of freedom. it will happen so buy guns. Cesar Chavez, Minuteman The UFW leader was no friend to illegal immigrationร‚โ€” until he became an ethnic figurehead.

Cesar Chavez ranks nowhere near Martin Luther King or our Founding Fathers in their accomplishments. He's more like Samuel Gompers who founded the American Federation of Labor in 1886: or John L. Lewis of the Congress of Industrial Organizations, founded in 1932: I object to this exploitation of the man as a political bone to Hispanics in an election year. Latinos should see right through this cheap effort to buy votes.