Down the Memory Hole with the Los Angeles Times (censors own blogger)

From this:

On Thursday night, L.A. Times political blogger Andrew Malcolm wrote a post about John Edwards's denial of an extramarital affair. When some commenters complained that the story was unsupported tabloid trash, Malcolm replied in parenthetical remarks appended to the comments, saying that it was a legitimate topic because of Edwards's denial.

If I have the sequence of events right, the L.A. Times first deleted the whole post. Then, when Patterico inquired about it they put it back, minus three final paragraphs. They also deleted the parenthetical remarks from their own bloggers. Tidy, no muss no fuss!


So the L.A. Times is now owned by the mexican government? it would be normal after all L.A. Is a total Mexican city and it hates the USA.

lonewacko, If the Edwards story had any legs some body will get the supposed woman involved to make a statement one way or another. Is it not possible that the LA Times is not covering for Edwards but instead is attempting to cover its own ass because it has no reason yet to believe the Edward's affair rumors are remotely credible.

Patterico is an evil jackass. You should stop reading that wimpy crap. He is right up there with allahpundit and capn ed on the top of the dung heap of arnold style pseudo-conservatism.