patterico: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Twitter suspends 24AheadDotCom. Who's responsible? - 05/13/14
As can be seen from the "Take Action Now" block above and the page listing my tweets, Twitter is a major part of my broad campaign to hold politicians accountable and to block amnesty.
Conservative bloggers who support amnesty (Rubio; Hot Air, Morrissey, Johnsen, Loesch, Moran, Mataconis...) - 01/21/13
This post will maintain a list of those supposed conservative bloggers who support some form of comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty), specifically the amnesty proposed by Marco Rubio. This post doesn't list GOP politicians or pundits, just bloggers and other low-level members of the GOP establishment.
Why should I help them with anything? - 05/25/12
Patterico is a major blogger and Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney who's being harassed by unknown parties, and the harassment is probably more for his political activities than his DA work (link). It's a horrible situation; I hope no harm comes to him or his family and I hope they catch and severely punish those responsible.
But, other than that, I'm not going to do anything about this.
"Mitt Romney, anti-gay bully" or "How Obama will be reelected" - 05/10/12
Earlier today, the Washington Post published allegations that Mitt Romney was a bully back in prep school (link). I didn't read the story, but that's not what this post is about.
Rightwing's muted response to Brown signing unpopular, anti-American immigration law - 10/09/11
If California governor Jerry Brown signed a bill that dared raise taxes on multi-billionaires by even a few pennies, you can bet that rightwing internet activists would be up in arms about it.
Tea Party "Patriots" mostly silent about anti-American DREAM Act (and rightwing bloggers too) - 12/07/10
The "patriots" in the tea parties aren't exactly going all out to oppose the anti-American DREAM Act amnesty. The loudest voices against the Obama administration have mostly gone silent against an amnesty which could cover between one to two million illegal aliens and which would allow those illegal aliens covered by it to take college resources away from their fellow citizens.
Jason Song/LAT promotes illegal alien taking UCLA education from a U.S. citizen - 02/03/09
Jason Song of the Los Angeles Times offers "For an illegal immigrant, getting into UCLA was the easy part" (link), a PIIPP-like story of a woefully unprepared illegal alien's trials and tribulations raising money to attend that school.
Down the Memory Hole with the Los Angeles Times (censors own blogger) - 10/14/07
From this:
On Thursday night, L.A. Times political blogger Andrew Malcolm wrote a post about John Edwards's denial of an extramarital affair. When some commenters complained that the story was unsupported tabloid trash, Malcolm replied in parenthetical remarks appended to the comments, saying that it was a legitimate topic because of Edwards's denial.
If I have the sequence of events right, the L.A. Times first deleted the whole post. Then, when Patterico inquired about it they put it back, minus three final paragraphs. They also deleted the parenthetical remarks from their own bloggers. Tidy...
Ramos/Compean: who's on the Bush administration's side? - 02/08/07
I have a feeling that it won't be too very long before even more truth comes out about the case of the two Border Patrol agents (Ramos/Compean) who strongly appear to have been railroaded by their own government. So, let's take a look at the short, select list of some of those who've supported the Bush administration's side of things: