Rick Sanchez/CNN "Out in the Open" about support for illegal immigration

CNN has a new program that airs at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern entitled "Out in the Open" and hosted by Rick Sanchez, who they or he appear to be positioning as the CNN version of Geraldo Rivera (albeit with 100% less moustache and 20% even more doofusness).

Tonight's show will be live from Irving, Texas; the description:

Illegal immigrants allegedly doped with drugs just to make it easier to deport them! We bring this shocking claim 'Out in the Open.'

Most likely his report will be based on this CNN story. Two persons who were to be deported were involuntarily drugged; the ACLU is suing and trying to make it a class action. They may or may not have a point since it isn't clear what the rules are and the specific circumstances of each case. More here.


It doesn't get any more "out in the open" than Cinco de Mayo being celebrated at the White House.

As for the new show the titles "Out of the Shadows", "No Human is Illegal", "We Are All Immigrants", "Stolen Land", and "Go Back to Europe Pilgrim", all would have been more in tune with the agenda, but they also would have been more "out in the open".

Why not call it The Great American GiveAway!!.....

Maybe they should Taser them instead.

'appear to be positioning as the CNN version of Geraldo Rivera' Or anti-Dobbs? Peter Schey, Mark Potok and the like are always talking about pushing CNN to get Dobbs off the air or rebuke him. Obviously the network isn't going to kill their cash cow but is this new show a sop to open borders pressure groups? Does anyone know how exactly this thing got on the air? I can't imagine it being a popular program and lasting too long unless they keep it on just to balance Dobbs. Not too long ago I heard there was talk of moving Dobbs to that exact primetime slot.

I think CNN is capitalizing on the interest in immigration by showing video and stories that seem to be pro-illegal but are designed to attract the anti-illegal audience as well. Who else is doing these stories? I can't stand Sanchez, though. What a fake!

Pat, I basically agree. No matter how willing Sanchez is to allow the Open Borders side of the debate to state their case they basically come off looking pretty bad. So far it has not been hard for the Immigration Restrictionists to come on his show and in the relatively few minutes afforded them, blow massive holes in the Open Borders agenda. Basically I see this as a chance for CNN to attempt to hold on to more of Dobb's audience and counter program O'Reilly who is now doing lots of immigration related stories whether by Malkin or Rivera. As far as I am concerned the more immigration related coverage the better. It means neither the Republicans and especially the Democrats can not hide from the issue any longer.

I didn't know til recently that Rick Sanchez kiled someone while driving drunk.Apparently he got off but he is a great example to represent all those drunken illegals killing Amricans all over the country...Why don't they cover that aspect during his show?

Of course the media covers immigration. But when they do they spin it, including Mr No Spin himself. He's a compromiser on immigration. Even Malkin always retreats from the accusation that she wants to deport all "12 million". Have you ever seen _anyone_ on TV ever point out that there are far more than "12 million", or that we have every right and in fact a duty to our posterity to deport every single one of the illegal invaders (ever heard that word on TV?), removing them forcibly if need be? You never hear that because they don't want anyone to realize that it is perfectly legitimate, and in fact the only sensible way to preserve our civil society. If we don't enforce our laws, if we don't remove the illegal invaders, then we will have anarchy and revolution. It has in fact already started. They want you to think surly mobs in our streets are normal and healthy, and that they'll turn nice and polite if we just make them legal. The media's narrow limit for all "debates" is how precisely to legalize the "12 million". Anything else is "extreme". The internet is the only hope we have, and it's the only reason most of us know as much as we know.

I love Rick Sanchez. Please give us more of him!!!