Rod Blagojevich, Luis Gutierrez, and the alleged FALN terrorist
Posted Sat, Sep 8, 2007 at 7:57 am · short link
From this:
A high-ranking official in Gov. [Rod Blagojevich]'s office spent nearly two years in a federal prison for refusing to aid a government terrorism probe into a series of bombings in Chicago and New York City.
Steven Guerra, Blagojevich's $120,000-a-year deputy chief of staff for community services, was identified by federal prosecutors as a member of the Puerto Rican separatist group, FALN, which was behind a wave of violence and killings in the 1970s and early 1980s...
Gov. Blagojevich's office said Guerra disclosed his felony conviction to the administration before his 2003 hiring. Aides said the governor intends to stand by Guerra. He was recommended for the job by Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), who lobbied President Bill Clinton to grant clemency to 11 imprisoned FALN members in 1999...
Tanstaafl (not verified)
Sat, 09/08/2007 - 17:56
HS 12230 2007-09-08T19:56:23-05:00
Brown supremacists in high places. Gee, how did that happen without our brave and ever-vigilant watchdog media sounding the alarm?
llamajockey (not verified)
Sat, 09/08/2007 - 22:08
HS 12231 2007-09-09T00:08:39-05:00
Gutierrez thinks he will become mayor of Chicago once a mass annesty is passed. Nearly half a million illegal aliens in Chicagoland alone. Incredible!!!
expat (not verified)
Sun, 09/09/2007 - 20:59
HS 12232 2007-09-09T22:59:01-05:00
How low can the Il Dems go? Even Tony Soprano wouldn't hire a known associate of a treasonous terrorist group.
eh (not verified)
Mon, 09/10/2007 - 09:24
HS 12233 2007-09-10T11:24:07-05:00
_Steven Guerra, Blagojevich's $120,000-a-year deputy chief of staff for community services,..._ What disgrace -- some affirmative action Hispanic do-nothing on the payroll for $122k. What the hell does a "deputy chie of staff for community services" do all day. What a fucking cesspool government at all levels has become.
expat (not verified)
Mon, 09/10/2007 - 15:22
HS 12234 2007-09-10T17:22:20-05:00
_What disgrace -- some affirmative action Hispanic do-nothing on the payroll for $122k. What the hell does a "deputy chie of staff for community services" do all day._ No surprise about this part; Illinois has a long tradition of providing do-nothing political patronage jobs for those who can presumably deliver votes from their ethnic community. The practice predates AA.