Help me decide what to do here
The photo below has caused quite a quandry. My first impression was to post it here and invite people to supply a caption. Then, I said, "but, this is a news site and not Fark or something, dagnabbit!" By posting this picture - currently Yahoo's most-emailed (link) - am I causing people to think this is a "fun and games" site rather than the hard-hitting news and analysis site it really is? I'm still torn, but now I guess since I've gone this far I have to include the picture.
In case anyone asks, this is actually a deep social commentary on the things that people find interesting enough to share with their friends, family and co-workers, and I'm urging people to concentrate on things that are much more important instead of trivial matters.

Carlos (not verified)
Wed, 02/25/2009 - 00:13
HS 17474 2009-02-25T02:13:03-06:00
Obviously can't be anything related to the prez. Can't be a donk. Probably a pic of the last Donkey-light to run for prez. After all, he certainly exposed his grotesque backside and wasn't acting like anything anyone would get excited associating with.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Wed, 02/25/2009 - 00:22
HS 17475 2009-02-25T02:22:28-06:00
Obama wife?
Mary (not verified)
Wed, 02/25/2009 - 13:57
HS 17476 2009-02-25T15:57:06-06:0
How about.... Pelosi BOTOX Overdose!