Adam Nossiter/NYT discovers illegal aliens in New Orleans vulnerable to crime; why did they support the situation?
Adam Nossiter of the New York Times offers "Day Laborers Are Easy Prey in New Orleans" (link), a discussion of illegal aliens in post-Katrina New Orleans being mugged because they carry cash. In the past, such articles may be a prelude to a push to let banks profit from illegal activity by opening accounts using the Matricula Consular card. However, in this case the goal seems to be just misguided liberalism:
the head-down laborers from Honduras, Mexico and Guatemala who work on the blazing hot roofs and inside the fetid homes for a wad of cash at the end of the day... ...The ruined homes they sometimes squat in, doubling- or quadrupling-up at night, are broken into, and they have been made to lie face down while being robbed...
The situation is so dire one wonders why the New York Times supported it happening in the first place. Yes, that's right: the NYT is complaining about a situation that they played a small role in helping bring about. Others did more; see the 'illegal aliens" tag at that site as well as this and this for those who whined about illegal aliens working in unsafe conditions for low pay and the like all the while supporting it.
The pro-American solution would have been to employ the residents to rebuild their own city and to prevent the Mexican government from establishing yet another profit center in the U.S., even using make-work programs (a la the stimulus bill) if necessary. Needless to say, the NYT did not even consider that pro-American plan.
Leave it to Beaner (not verified)
Mon, 02/16/2009 - 23:44
HS 17419 2009-02-17T01:44:15-06:00
Of course we can expect much more of this type of Anti Americanism, now that Bean Boy Slim is on the board
eh (not verified)
Tue, 02/17/2009 - 03:22
HS 17420 2009-02-17T05:22:48-06:00
Do the reporters and editors of the NYT actually believe their readers (there are fewer and fewer of those) -- much less the average American -- is especially interested in the fact that some illegals living in New Orleans may be crime victims? From what I've heard about New Orleans, lots of people there are in the same boat.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Wed, 02/18/2009 - 06:58
HS 17421 2009-02-18T08:58:24-06:00
NYT Is a joke.
Carlos (not verified)
Thu, 02/19/2009 - 13:55
HS 17422 2009-02-19T15:55:12-06:00
It's amazing to me that there is so much blame heaped on the former admin for the woes of Katrina aftermath, but so little in discovery of where the multiple tens of millions appropriated for dike construction, repair and reinforcement went previous to the disaster. I'm sure it has nothing to do with bureaucratic theft, favoritism, coddling of criminal aliens or the media in love with hating the former admin instead of searching for simple facts. Had Lousy-anna been run by Republicans you could bet your neighbor's farm they would have been all over the story. 'Course, now that they've a Republican guvner, it's the guvmint's fault po' folk gittin cheated and robbed...and, of course, GW's for creating the situation to begin with.