Mexico's Calderon meets Obama, proposes "strategic alliance"; immigration; NAFTA
Mexico's president Felipe Calderon met with Barack Obama for an hour and a half earlier today in Washington DC. After the meeting, Calderon said:
"I've proposed to President Obama that we make a strategic alliance of our two governments to confront the common problems and resolve them together, among them security."
And, it looks like Obama is open to that idea; see the statement from change dot gov cached here:
[Obama] expressed his continued commitment to upgrading NAFTA to strengthen labor and environmental provisions to reflect the values that are widely shared in both of our countries, and proposed the creation of a consultative group to work on a host of issues important to the United States and Mexico, including NAFTA, energy and infrastructure.
The first bit is "fair" trade, "free" trade made palatable for leftwing consumption. The second may be an agreement to the "strategic alliance", akin to a bilateral (for now)
"President-elect Obama underscored his commitment to working with Congress to fix the broken U.S. immigration system and fostering safe, legal and orderly migration. He expressed his strongly held view that immigrants should be treated with dignity and that the immigration debate should not be a vehicle for vilifying any group, and that our two countries need to work more effectively to stop the flow of illegal immigration into the United States.
Plus ca change! When he visited the U.S. almost a year ago, Calderon used the line "legal, safe and organized"; now Obama is saying the highly similar "safe, legal, orderly". Bush and many others have used similar phrases, as if they were shibboleths. Who thinks up the lines for these people? And, note that "migration" is what the Mexican government calls illegal immigration to the U.S., and Bush has used that word too. And, they've been trotting out "the system is broken" for years. And, like Bush, Obama is vilifying those who support our laws by falsely accusing most them of vilifying people. And, the last line is simply an indication that they would prefer mass legal "migration", even if - as the millions of illegal aliens in the U.S. show - they'll take the illegal variety if they can get it.
Others at the meeting included Arturo Sarukhan, Rahm Emanuel, Jim Jones, and Lawrence Summers.
Calderon also met with Nancy Pelosi and others from Congress today; a statement from Silvestre Reyes is here. Needless to say, they also discussed amnesty.
UPDATE: Per this, Calderon told Bush in a later meeting, "We have always been willing to revise aspects" of NAFTA.
And, this translates as:
[Obama] committed to president Felipe Calderon to achieve a comprehensive immigration reform that includes family unification... Calderon said that despite the obstacles and difficulties that exist in Congress and in U.S. public opinion, Obama is committed to advancing the implementation of immigration law for all, without exception, which addresses the situation of Mexicans already in the United States... In this respect, Obama said his government will review the raids on undocumented, because he wants to ensure that the policy work "in a humane manner."
"Family unification" may mean family reunification, aka chain migration, or it might mean something else. And, it shows the extent to which Obama sings the tune the far-left writes: many groups have been pushing for a "review" of raids. And, it's good to know that apparently Obama realizes how much "reform" is opposed by most Americans but is going to push for it despite that.
eh (not verified)
Tue, 01/13/2009 - 06:37
HS 17008 2009-01-13T08:37:23-06:00
_... strengthen labor and environmental provisions to reflect the values that are widely shared in both of our countries..._ What the hell does that mean?
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 01/13/2009 - 14:05
HS 17009 2009-01-13T16:05:19-06:00
eh, it means total control and mass race and political Amnesty for the drug dealers of both so called countries. Obama will be fun over the coming years as he and his friends did a total dismantlement of the USA. People will cry, stop it but people who act will be called racists, its going to be really funny. I am happy to say i am under investigation for what i have been writing ABOUT, so if a little nothing like me is under some race/political investigation what will the future be like for people who are something? All you see is phony all you hear is a joke and all you know is fake. The political criminals who hate our freedoms will use anything to take our freedom from us all with BS Statments like NAFTA And strategic alliance and mass political/race immigration for our good and our nations good and the mass removal of any who talk out against that evil will be removed or disappeared, if you know what i mean?
petty bourgeois (not verified)
Tue, 01/13/2009 - 14:09
HS 17010 2009-01-13T16:09:19-06:00
"What the hell does that mean?" It means you have "values" which are "shared." In other words, you're just like a mexican.
Mary (not verified)
Wed, 01/14/2009 - 01:20
HS 17011 2009-01-14T03:20:53-06:0
If I'm just like an illegal Mexican...where's my free lunch?