Laura McCann/Washington Independent's faith-based "facts" about Obama certificate issue
I just spoke with Laura McCann of the Washington Independent about the Obama citizenship issue, specifically relating to her paper's attempts to portray those who know the difference between the truth and falsehoods as tinfoil hat wearers. Clearly, she's more interested in basing their "reporting" on faith rather than the facts. She continually insisted that she knew for a fact that Obama was born in Hawaii. Per her, that was based on the picture on Obama's site and she even went as far as to falsely state that Hawaiian officials had verified that Obama was born in Hawaii.
For those unfamiliar with this issue, please go read the statement from those Hawaiian officials. They never said he was born there, they just said that he has a valid certificate on file. Since those born outside Hawaii can get valid certificates, they didn't really tell us all that much.
When I stated that I wasn't necessarily saying that Obama was born elsewhere, she seemed to think I was conceding agreement with her position; my point that we don't really know where Obama was born and that the evidence so far presented is not definitive proof just did not sink in. An unverified picture on a website is not definitive proof; an ambiguous statement that the issuer refuses to clarify is not definitive proof.
During the conversation, I felt like I was trying to deprogram someone who'd been a cult member for twenty years; she kept trying to hustle me off the phone until I gave up and we said good-bye.
The bottom line is that McCann is basing their reporting on faith, and not on the facts.
eh (not verified)
Sat, 01/10/2009 - 02:23
HS 16983 2009-01-10T04:23:23-06:00
So once again you confirm that reporters aren't very smart, and are reluctant to rock the boat (recall Gary Webb).
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sat, 01/10/2009 - 15:43
HS 16984 2009-01-10T17:43:29-06:00
eh is right
Dave Weigel (not verified)
Mon, 01/12/2009 - 20:03
HS 16985 2009-01-12T22:03:30-06:00
Chris, out of curiosity, why does the Hawaiian COLB say Obama's "City, Town, or Location of Birth" was Honolulu, his "Island of Birth" was Oahu, and his "County of Birth" was Honolulu? Is this normal for COLBs given to people -not born in Hawaii-? Can you produce a birth certificate given to a foreign-born person whose parents later registered him in Hawaii?
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 01/13/2009 - 14:10
HS 16986 2009-01-13T16:10:57-06:00
Dave Weigel nothing will come of this the real power's want Obama and want us to understand we our all under the control of evil pigs who hate our freedoms and duties.