Obama/Blago picture deleted from Illinois state website
Remember the picture of Barack Obama "conferring" with recently-arrested Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich? If not, see this 12/10 post.
Now, the state of Illinois has deleted from their website the PDF that contained that picture. It was in the state publication "Governors Gazette" and originally at illinois.gov/govgazette/pdfs/Gazetteedition_2008Nov.pdf That page now returns a 404 not found, as does Version 2 of that Gazette (originally located at illinois.gov/govgazette/pdfs/Gazetteedition_2008Nov_2.pdf) and the /gazette directory.
Thankfully, using Obama's habit of "changing things around" on his own sites as a clue - as well as the KHQA example - I saved off a copy, and here's the PDF. The other two documents that were deleted are here; they don't appear to contain anything interesting but bear in mind that Google's cache didn't have whatever images were on those pages.

petty bourgeois (not verified)
Mon, 12/15/2008 - 21:19
HS 16792 2008-12-15T23:19:07-06:00
Rewriting history has always been the agenda for any good marxist government. Maybe we can start at the year zero on inauguration day.
carol (not verified)
Tue, 12/16/2008 - 22:55
HS 16793 ertist@aol.com 2008-12-17T00:55:22-06:00
So, I'm wondering who might be the entrepreneur that can/will build a site that KEEPS the caches of these exed-out pages, and also works to keep search algorithms from being scammed? http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/12/12/googlewashing_revisited/ I am SO ready for the Not-Google engine. Any suggestions? Resources?
Mike G (not verified)
Tue, 12/16/2008 - 23:41
HS 16794 mikegebert@gmail.com 2008-12-17T01:41:04-06:00
It looks like the final duel at the end of Scanners.