document rescue

Undeleted documents from other websites

Many times the memory hole doesn't work as some expect it to.

Last modified Dec 15, 2008
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Transcript: Jerry Brown / Meg Whitman debate October 2, 2010 - 10/08/10

The following is the transcript of the October 2, 2010 debate on Univision between Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman. It was originally at the Fresno Bee but they've since deleted it.

"Statements by Jose Angel Gutierrez, San Antonio Evening News, April 11, 1969" - 05/11/10

The following was at until at least Apr 7, 2010. It's since been removed and was obtained from Google's cache: Statements by Jose Angel Gutierrez, San Antonio Evening News, April 11, 1969 Official Statements and FAQs β€” 26 April 2006 San Antonio Evening News April 11, 1969 Reporter Kemper Diehl MAYO LEADER WARNS OF VIOLENCE, RIOTING Statement made by Mexican Youth Organization: (MAYO) April 10, 1969

Commission for a Sustainable World Society members as of January 5, 2009 - 01/10/09

The page listing the members of that Socialist International commission used to contain the name Carol Browner. Her name was removed some time between 1/5/09 and 1/10/09. Click the picture for a screengrab (304kb), and the full text of the page as cached by google is below.

Obama/Blago picture deleted from Illinois state website - 12/15/08

Remember the picture of Barack Obama "conferring" with recently-arrested Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich? If not, see this 12/10 post.

Illinois Governor's Gazette: homepage and Version 2 - 12/15/08

The following two documents were originally located at and at Those two were basically the same, and that entire document tree was deleted. Both documents were retrieved from Google's cache. They don't appear to contain anything noteworthy, but neither cached document had whatever photos were in the original. The govgazette document tree doesn't appear to be in's cache.

KHQA pulls 11/5 article on Obama meeting with Blagojevich (cached copy) - 12/10/08

On November 5, Iowa/Illinois/Missouri TV station KHQA published "Who will fill Obama's senate seat?", which said that Barack Obama would be meeting with recently-arrested Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich on the afternoon of 11/5. It was previously at this link, but that now says it's "unavailable".