Kos gets one thing right: the rightwing blogosphere is mostly just inept chatter

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There's a first for everything, and subcomandante Markos Moulitsas Zuniga - the Kos in DailyKos - has finally got one thing right. From the article "Right-wing bloggers see their chance" (link):

While conservative bloggers talk about making a difference for their party, they have yet to back up their talk with action, said Markos Moulitsas, the founder of the liberal Daily Kos blog. Moulitsas, also a columnist for The Hill, boasts about how the liberal netroots got Howard Dean elected as Democratic Party chairman, raised millions of dollars for victorious candidates and created a "partisan message machine" to push back against conservative media on talk radio and cable television. That made the Democratic Party's establishment take them seriously, Moulitsas said.

"The conservative bloggers' efforts might grow into something more meaningful over time, but as of right now, all I see is a lot of chatter," he said. "And if there's one thing the right doesn't lack, it's punditry. They can talk up a storm."

He's right on target with that, and for a tangible example see the nearly complete lack of response to my highly effective plan to defeat Obama. Rather than helping push that, Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit concentrated on sending people to Amazon, and the Pajamas Media with which he's associated concentrated on talking head shows featuring worthless minor pundits.

If you want to do something, write to the rightwing bloggers that you read and suggest that they actually do something for a change.


Are you listening Malkin, Allahpundit, Morrisey, Reynolds and Frey, or are your ears stuffed up with GOP partisan hack noise?

20 years from now, you're -still- going to be looking back at this election going "If only they'd listened to me! If only they'd listened to me! I told them how to defeat Obama and they didn't listen!" Get real. You're an armchair hack. The positions you represent are on the extreme (and marginal) right fringe of a country that has never even been the "center-right" nation the pundits want it to be. Your plan to "expose" Obama would have hinged on the idea that the majority of American voters shares your opinions and concerns, when you represent a tiny marginal fringe of the extreme right. Many of your objections are based on misinterpretations of the facts that can only be characterized as paranoid. Look at how often the "REDISTRIBUTION" meme got hammered into the public's consciousness... and then look at what happened on election day. A majority of the American people do not share your values or your world view. It's time for you to accept that. "lonewackodotcom", indeed.

Dude, why do you come here if you despise us so much? Do you consider yourself anything other than an armchair hack, or do you just lob ad hominem because you do not possess the basic intelligence to come up with a coherent argument? The American people were deceived and lied to. They have no idea who they just elected, a fringe character racist, despite your assertions that B. Hussein is in the center. You are so fucking stupid you will believe whatever the MSM will tell you. And for the record, when it comes to immigration restriction, we are not on the fringe as you allege. Most Americans are against the amnsesty for criminals that is about to be rammed down our throats, so take off your tin foil hat. You are the fucking idiot fringe character whose life is consumed with this site. You really need to get a life, or start your own blog. I doubt it would get any traffic, however. Unfortunately for you, this blog is well read, and better than anything you can come up with. The readership of this popular blog is a testament to your own irrelevance, you uneducated, redneck dolt wearing red diapers.

You said:"... Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit concentrated on sending people to Amazon, and the Pajamas Media with which he's associated concentrated on talking head shows featuring worthless minor pundits." Ever think that a few self-important folks calling their allies "worthless minor pundits" could contribute to the disunitity? Just a thought from a minor bloggger of little consequence.

I can't help myself. It's just that when I think of Megan McArdle on a pundit level, the phrase "worthless minor pundit" leaps instantly to mind.

Ok, don't help yourself. Again, I stress that insulting your allies while trying to build unity is counterproductive. I have had enough.

This blog is well-read? No. The blogs that the Daily Kos commentator deigned to notice in order to denigrate as "inept chatter" are well-read. This one isn't even on the radar. It's not even a blip. This web site is ranked ~275,000th in terms of overall web traffic. RedState.com, one of the ones Kos hammered, is ~26,000th. And no, in case you think there's even a little reason to celebrate, that doesn't mean that this blog even has a tenth of the traffic of RedState. The rankings are like a race. It means some two hundred and fifty thousand sites on the internet have more traffic than this one and less than RedState. That's via alexa.com. The exact numbers aren't very meaningful because their sampling isn't perfect, but a broad gulf like that between two sites is very revealing. This is a nothing little blog. The only reason its rank is six digits instead of seven is its comparative longevity. Anything that sticks around long enough is bound to pick up an audience just because it's always there. Fact is, though, there are people writing Power Ranger fan fiction on Livejournal who have more daily readers than this blog. This blog rarely gets more than 4 comments on any item unless I come here and contribute to the conversation. This blog is essentially the _hobby_ of a fringe lunatic who fancies that he's a pundit and that he will be salvation of conservatives if only somebody would listen to him. This blog is an angry, confused little man shouting in a dark basement. The only people listening are his fellow basement dwellers, and people like me who are morbidly fascinated by the whole thing. Of course, the fact that nobody else is listening is what helps keep the whole thing going. It's what lets you guys keep pretending that you're not far out of touch and in the self-exiled, self-marginalized extreme right fringe. The term "echo chamber" gets thrown around a lot, but this is a perfect example of one.

alexa.com is an interesting site. Actually, 275,000 is respectable. That is quite a bit higher than steinreport.com, which comes in at 1302108.

Inept chatter in my wingnut blogosphere? It's more common than you think.

I love petty bourgeois he understands what is happening but its already happened petty bourgeois and its going to be all Americans who are not black or brown or yellow or some monkey mix race who will become the political and race criminals in the same way jews became the enemy of hitler. poor people you have no ideals of what is going to happen to all of you, and about "In Good company", he or she hates any ideals of freedom and is a fool but most people are fools. to all, buy guns evil is in the home of freedom and it wants you dead,dead,dead.

_Look at how often the "REDISTRIBUTION" meme got hammered into the public's consciousness... and then look at what happened on election day._ You've got to be kidding. Are you trying to suggest that e.g. the 96+% of the black vote that Obama got was from people who weren't fooled by that underhanded talk of 'REDISTRIBUTION' and voted for him anyway? Your comments here are often vacuous Obama talking point gibberish, so it's hard to tell exactly what you're trying to say most of the time. Anyway, Obama's whole life as an 'activist' was about 'REDISTRIBUTION' -- trying to use white guilt about the mostly dysfunctional (crime, academics, illegitimacy, etc etc) 'black community' to extort money from whitey. That's it. If that isn't 'REDISTRIBUTION' -- using tax coercion to take money away from people who have it in order to give it to people who don't without paying too much attention to why they don't have it -- then I don't know what is. Obama sewed up the 'stick it to whitey' vote. Which is the 'REDISTRIBUTION' vote. You really are a fucking moron.

_This blog is an angry, confused little man shouting in a dark basement._ As opposed to you maybe? Coming here to imply that web site ranking has something to do with quality or content, i.e. whether it's worth reading or not? So I guess if more people read the tabloid trash on MSN then that means it's a more worthwhile site. Idiot.

"Ok, don't help yourself. Again, I stress that insulting your allies while trying to build unity is counterproductive. I have had enough." Who says the lords of the conservative blogosphere (aka the partisan hacks mentioned hereinabove) are our allies? They are culpable for electing an anti-American black nationalist-socialist because they don't have any balls to stick to conservative principles or support a conservative candidate because they live sequestered from middle America. They inhabit Manhattan, tony suburbs of DC and tenured professorships in law schools. They do not speak for me, or anyone else who claims to be conservative. And while we are at it, talk radio is full of crap artists too. The whole conservative movement has been destroyed by a bunch of PC leftist pussies known as the GOP.

"an angry, confused little man shouting in a dark basement. The only people listening are his fellow basement dwellers" Perhaps this is some self reflecting and projection? How many hits does your website get? I am curious as to what authority you have to criticize anyone for their endeavors, when you have none to speak of, dolt.

I live in so cal in a home and its nice and you don't! and i own it. its all about the control of people, ask what the monkey obama will do with the big 3 who want 25 billion, its all in the game!

Hal K, When did 275000 become bigger than 1302108? Is this part of the "change" thing people have been going on about?

Means nothing when Obama is done with the usa it will be a third world country with no human or civil rights and with a income of $1000 dollars a year, that is, for all working people; but the people will be from third world counties and will be working X Americans inside some nightmare state. Think Reballion against our FOREIGN Muslims/black/Jewish/White/Hispanic/ drug dealers from china and Mexico city AND THAT GUY NEXT DOOR, Didn't want to forget that guy! and the pigs inside the government and any masters i forgot, ISN'T THIS FUN. Let us all hope for the coming soon! like that is going to happen, but who knows maybe?

people stop with the BS The USA Is over don't get mad start a new nation and this time do it right the system is in the hands of our enemies so why get mad when you see this BS Just wait and do the job of making a new place and take back our lost Lands, with blood. each time you see a cop hate him or her each time you see a government monkey hate that monkey and make plans to make a free nation inside this evil and dead one. but above all other thing keep your eyes opened for the right move to freedom and the American non monkey way. stop the colonization buy guns. by the way never be taken alive.

Within the niche of pro-rule of law/anti-open border immigration blogs, this one shows up a lot in the links section and specific entries are linked to from, e.g., Michelle Malkin. Of the immigration blogs which have comments, 4 comments isn't bad for, e.g., Siskind's blog and especially ImmigratonProfBlog. In a sense, EVERY immigration blog is a 'nothing blog'--none get the high comments of the extreme partisan blogs. I've read a ton of immigration blogs and I think more people know who Lonewacko is than you believe. There are a lot of 'echo chamber' immigration blogs on both sides which NEVER get a comment and would love to be read a fraction as much as this one.

Anonymous do you think that the power pigs of one world third world evil care about the little guy? if so you are a fool. "why Anonymous", why not your own name don't you feel free to say as you want inside the so called land of freedom and mass murder of human and civil rights in front of us all in the name of love and money and lots of monkeys people coming here? after all we have a racists monkey as president and on top of that soon a monkey mexican as president of upper mexico in the next 8 years with one billion monkeys coming here we will become that great monkey country and have a hell of alot of fun becoming a hell on earth. Buy Guns make a new nation under Laws and not monkeys in the trees.