Classy: Rachel Maddow "apparently" recants outrageous smear of Rush Limbaugh
As was discussed here back in June, Rachel Maddow smeared Rush Limbaugh by falsely claiming that he'd said that James Earl Ray deserved a "posthumous Medal of Honor" when that quote had simply been made up by someone at Wikiquote. Now, finally, four months later, Maddow has offered a non-correction "correction". Per this, on last night's show on MSNBC she said (bolding added):
And finally, a quote falsely attributed to talk show host Rush Limbaugh recently it resurfaced during the debate over whether or not he would or should be part of a group bidding to buy the St. Louis Rams football steam.
On June 3rd, as I was reporting on opposition to then-Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor, I was among the people who erroneously referred to the quote if Mr. Limbaugh had said it.
To set the record straight, Rush Limbaugh apparently never said that Martin Luther King Jr.`s assassin should receive the Medal of Honor. And I was in error when we reported that we had. Mea culpa.
"Apparently"? A real reporter - or a pundit with any sort of integrity - would take actions such as contacting the book's author (Jack Huberman), his publisher (The Nation), would look through Lexis-Nexis, and would take other actions so no "apparently" would be necessary.
eh (not verified)
Wed, 10/21/2009 - 10:52
HS 19684 2009-10-21T12:52:29-05:00
Who the hell is Rachel Maddow anyway? She's a total nobody, which I guess is why she's on MSNBC, the network that no one watches. Dyke. [1]
[1] en.wikipedia . org/wiki/Rachel_Maddow#Personal_life
bandit (not verified)
Wed, 10/21/2009 - 15:36
HS 19685 2009-10-21T17:36:08-05:00
Did she make an unfunny voice when she said it? That is so classy and so mature when she does that. What's with hatin' on the gays eh?
eh (not verified)
Wed, 10/21/2009 - 18:13
HS 19686 2009-10-21T20:13:30-05:00
Just because I may occasionally (very rarely, actually, and never just to denigrate their sexuality) call a lesbian a dyke, or a gay a faggot, doesn't mean I 'hate' homosexuals. While I personally don't think they ought to be allowed to get 'married' or adopt kids, other than that I don't really give a shit. And here I just have to say that I think Perez Hilton is a faggot for the way he treated Carrie Prejean. In fact, I'm much more likely to call a heterosexual man a faggot as a sort of shorthand for a politically correct pussy. For example, Lindsay Graham is the Official Faggot of the United States Senate. I'm funny that way.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Mon, 10/26/2009 - 01:48
HS 19687 2009-10-26T03:48:54-05:00
God help us all.