Kos: Republicans must do everything Hispanics want or we won't vote for them (Sotomayor)
The great Kos speaks (dailykos.com/story/2009/8/7/763043/-It-WAS-an-incredible-day-for-Latinos):
We have a wise Latina on the Supreme Court... Pat Buchanan pines for the America of the '50s, but the country has changed, and for the better... And while we Latinos celebrate Associate Justice Sotomayor's accomplishments, we have also take note of who tried to stand in her way... Nine Republicans voted to confirm... [aside from those retiring and the "Maine twins"] That leaves Alexander, Graham, and Lugar as the only other Republicans unwilling to alienate the nation's fastest growing ethnic demographic by casting a symbolic and doomed vote against the Supreme Court nominee with the most judicial experience in our nation's history. Props to them, but it didn't work. Latinos know the score.
He's basically saying Republicans have to do anything that Hispanics want. It's unfortunate that many Republicans buy into the same thing he's selling. (On the plus side, one of those who didn't vote for her is John McCain.)
After the excerpt above, he points out that a DailyKos poll (dailykos.com/weeklypoll/2009/7/30) shows that, when asked how they view the Republican Party, 11% of Latinos are unsure (just 4% are favorable and 85% are unfavorable). He obviously thinks the 11% is too high, and that's despite the fact that several Republicans did vote to (supposedly) give Hispanics what they want by voting for Sotomayor. The implication is that no matter how strongly Republicans pander, unless every single one of them does everything Latinos want, they won't get their votes. The downside of Kos' argument is that some might decide that pandering to those who won't respond isn't worth the effort.
llamajockey (not verified)
Sun, 08/09/2009 - 08:15
HS 18997 cvlamantia@comcast.net 2009-08-09T10:15:59-05:00
Republicans dropped the ball on Sotomayor. The idiot rantings from Gringrich, Limbaugh, and Beck hurt what could have been a damming case built against her built around her association with the PRLDF, MALDEF and La Raza and her shoddy attempts to deny the New Haven firefighter's justice. What Republicans see in those three fools who wrecked their brains collectively with pot, pills and booze is beyond me. On the other hand forget about what Kos has to say. I am sure his polling methodology was wildly rigged. Markos has revealed himself to be a hard core Racial Marxist. Any Old School Liberals or Democrats who oppose or merely question current immigration policy have been harassed to point where they no longer post or even visit DailyKos. Even a left-wing activist like Dave Sirota quit posting there. Kos and his ilk are a goon squad of sophomoric idiots who descend on any Democratic blogger or poster who oppose their Gramscian Marxist Open Borders agenda with bong fueled rantings with all the intelligence and sophistication of "Lou Dobbs is a big fat white racist!". Honest polling and past history would seem to indicate that if the Republicans stopped attempting to brownnose Hispanics in the style of left-wing identity politic pushing Democrats but instead made a out right appeal differentiating themselves on law and order, labor market, patriotism and pro-assimilation issues they could capture a solid third of the Hispanic vote. Also with this approach the Republicans could pick up huge numbers of Northern and Midwestern white Democrats who voted for Hillary in the primaries and regret having had the "Chosen One" rammed down their throats by the MSM. Last Obama's policies have so far been a disaster for African-Americans. The displacement of blacks in the job market by the flood of legal immigrants and illegal aliens has only accelerated. Republicans should look at 2008 as the high water mark for AA's identity with the Democratic party much like 1964 was with Catholics. But with fools like Limbaugh being the voice and face of the Republican party and a convenient foil for the Democrats, they have a uphill battle attracting AAs.
Mary (not verified)
Tue, 08/11/2009 - 01:18
HS 18998 maryellenburke2005@comcast.net 2009-08-11T03:18:02-05:0
Kos ,Rachel Maddow, Huffington Post, et al -aren't these the nutroots??? Yeah , they are and they are on the way out. The silent majority is now turning into an angry mob.Lookout!
Leave it to Beaner (not verified)
Tue, 08/11/2009 - 02:58
HS 18999 2009-08-11T04:58:54-05:00
Thanks to a high intake of bran, I take a daily kos. Sometimes two. But thats another story. The whole point that kos doesnt seem to understand is that anti amnesty Americans like the Country the way it was......for the most part....with all of its history.....good and bad.....its still America. But this influx of legal and illegal people from all over the fucking place is not a benefit to the average American PERIOD!! Japan is the smart one in al of this and so is Switzerland. After the lefties are through with their multiculti madness, very few Nations will still retain any form of National identity. The two mentioned above and the 3rd world shit holes that no person in their right mind would go to live. Middle class Americans dont want more people.......we need a 100 year pause at the very least. Just think of all the problems the mexicans alone have brought us? 100,000 Gang members in So.Cal; ignored ethnic cleansing of black Americans; millions of jobs taken; stagnant wages; difficult everday communication; major traffic; on and on......
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 08/11/2009 - 03:10
HS 19000 dawes57@cox.net 2009-08-11T05:10:20-05:00
you will see mass eliminate by our enemies and it will become totally legal, that is how the hitler boys removed jews under the laws of the land and that is why Sotomayor is now in place.