Sonia Sotomayor as a "gift" to Obama opponents if they have the guts to exploit it; "poster child of the Left"

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I don't know if Sonia Sotomayor is a "bigot" as Bay Buchanan calls her in "Obama Picks a Bigot for the High Court" (link). Calling her extremely ethno-centric and steeped in identity politics is the better option. However, the ending - aside from the part where she doesn't broaden the opposition to include all Obama opponents - is correct:

Sonia Sotomayor is a gift to conservatives. But we must find the guts to exploit it. Sonia Baby needs to become the poster child of the Left. With her as point, we can strip away the scab hiding the real identity of those in power: anti-white male racists who support a radical agenda of massive illegal immigration, reverse discrimination and gun control. It is time we showed Americans we are ready to fight for them against the likes of Sonia Sotomayor and her pals.

UPDATE: I don't think it's correct or useful to say that Sotomayor is a "racist" or a "bigot". It's correct and useful to say that about some Democratic leaders due to the specific things they've said. However, it is correct and useful to point out that she supports something that might be called "institutional reverse racism", although maybe that phrase shouldn't be used. Instead, it should be pointed out that she's deeply linked into far-left concepts like affirmative action, ethnic nationalism, and identity politics. Not only that, but she joined not just one but two far-left racial power groups: the PRLDEF and the National Council of La Raza.


But is it a true statement? What do you do with cases like this on her record? Is Sotomayor really the boogeyman some are making her out to be? Or just an opportunity to make political points?

What would you like done with it? Aside from the fact she alludes to self-serving crap like that the 'richness of her experience as a Latina woman' will help her reach 'better conclusions than a white male', she's clearly an affirmative action nominee whose career is completely devoid of significant legal scholarship. And she has a verifiable history of ethnic agitation, not to mention (apparently) membership in specifically ethnic oriented organizations that no white jurist could get away with. Which reminds me: considering what can get you called 'racist' and 'anti-semitic' nowadays, I'd like to get a look at that material Pappas supposedly distributed.

Suprisingly ,24ahead hasn't had much trouble from TROLLS,..... until now.

The woman is evil end of story.

Sort of like having the clap, she is. The original gift that keeps on giving.