HuffPost: Obama not living up to campaign promises; women, minorities hardest hit

Apparently Lloyd Chapman has never heard the old joke about the New York Times publishing a headline called "Comet to hit Earth; women, minorities hardest hit." If he had, he wouldn't have offered "Obama's First 100 Days Disappoints Women, Minorities and Small Businesses" ( It's a double fail because he runs some sort of small business association and is clearly just looking to get support from other groups.


People must be really stupid to think that this little foreign pig would live up to his Promises, woman inside this joke of a country only think of happy times and love of something that is totally a lie, we who can see what this pig obama and his soviet people are, are called hate racists. put me down as a hate racists and call me a terrorists for the ideals of the old and dead USA. obama is about to go to war with the people of this country and he maybe or maybe or not be a muslim but he is a Red and a total puppet of some real evil people if not he is total evil. but no matter how you cut this story of obama not keeping his so called promises what did he say that would make woamn think he would?

Your still alive? I bet you $5.00 you cant do it? Prove me wrong