Tweets to Sarah Uthoff

Sarah Uthoff's avatar
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Sarah Uthoff
Solon, Iowa
You've found the place for Laura Ingalls Wilder, one-room schools, historic foodways, and libraries. #LauraIngallsWilder #LittleHouse
Tweets to this user:
Sarah Uthoff's avatar
From @Trundlebedtales
@PeterBagge1 I just saw a Q&A from Library Journal with you from 2017. Are you still working on a Rose Wilder Lane biography?
Peter Bagge's avatar
From @PeterBagge1
@Trundlebedtales Yes I am. Due out next April!
Sarah Uthoff's avatar
From @Trundlebedtales
@PeterBagge1 Good. :) I'm looking forward to it. Rose deserves a good biography. Do you have a title yet?
Peter Bagge's avatar
From @PeterBagge1
@Trundlebedtales Yes, it’s called Credo. And yes, Lane has been outrageously maligned lately.
Sarah Uthoff's avatar
From @Trundlebedtales
@PeterBagge1 Thanks
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Trundlebedtales: hi Sarah, here's why you can't trust what @PeterBagge1 says. Read it with an open mind; I trust you won't just reflexively reject it. Urging him to do a better job using real arguments will *help* him. Don't enable him, help him.