Tweets to Jamie Metzl

Jamie Metzl's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Jamie Metzl
New York, NY USA
Author of #HackingDarwin #GenesisCode #EternalSonata • Sr Fellow @AtlanticCouncil • Former US NSC, State, UN • Futurist • Geopolitical expert • Keynote speaker
Tweets to this user:
Jamie Metzl's avatar
From @JamieMetzl
It is disgusting, disgraceful, and shameful that @realDonaldTrump describes his love affair with #KimJongUn while 1…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
He has free rein precisely because of people like you. MT @JamieMetzl It is disgusting, disgraceful, and shameful that Trump describes his love affair with #KimJongUn while 100K victims languish in #NorthKorean prison camps in what the UN calls a “crime against humanity.“
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JamieMetzl: to finally oppose Trump for real, get MSM to use Socratic questioning to undercut his proxies. He needs them & tough questions would separate him from them. Re China censorship, bust Twitter for censoring replies to CN officials (see top tweet). When'll you do it?