Arresting illegal aliens at Air Force base puts New York Times in tizzy
Forty or so illegal aliens were recently arrested in a sting at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in North Carolina. Previous coverage starts in "Why the left is untrustworthy and weak on national security, Part #43823294". Now, to drive that point home, comes the NYT with "Immigration Sting Puts 2 U.S. Agencies at Odds".
As with other "liberal" coverage of this story, it concentrates on the poor illegal immigrants who were working at a military base. And, it concentrates on BICE defending their sting rather than, oh I dunno, advocates for illegal immigration defending supporting illegal aliens working at an Air Force base.
According to the federal Dep't of Labor:
"This is not something we were involved in, and we do not condone the use of OSHA's name in this type of activity."
And, reaching into their race group rolodex, the NYT has this quote:
"We think it's an absolute outrage and danger for the immigration authorities to use this type of tactic," said Cecilia Munoz, vice president for policy at the National Council of La Raza, an advocacy group for Hispanics. "Our labor law system is completely complaint-driven, and our ability to keep the work force safe depends on workers being able to complain, and by masquerading as OSHA officials, immigration authorities will clearly discourage immigrant workers from coming forward. This won't affect just immigrant workers, it will affect the safety of all workers."
There's much more about the National Council of the Race at the link above.
If "liberals" would stop defending massive illegal immigration and giving cover to those corrupt businesses that employ that labor, this wouldn't be an issue.
eh (not verified)
Sun, 07/17/2005 - 08:53
"type of tactic"
Uhh, as I recall it doesn't really matter what "tactic" is used -- the usual people will in any case lodge the usual absurd complaints. Recall the "sweeps" the BP ran not long ago in SoCal -- even this "interior enforcement", which was just simple arrests, was openly condemned.
John S Bolton (not verified)
Sat, 07/16/2005 - 15:05
Since when is the reputation of a safety firsters' regulatory agency, for omerta on illegal immigration, a value in comparison to national security? A much easier way to prevent workers from exploitation in terms of exposure to such endangerments, would be to become much less tolerant of foreign criminals running loose here. That possibility having been left out of account, it is clear that the goal is to maximize the number of foreign criminals present, and compromise national security as much as can be gotten away with.