"Blatant Racism by the Pro-illegal Alien Crowd"
Posted Sat, Apr 23, 2005 at 11:19 am
This article has an interesting roundup of the titular topic. The footnotes are also of interest for future posts.
Also see "Racist liberals? Isn't that an oxymoron?" No, no it isn't.
Ralph (not verified)
Mon, 04/25/2005 - 05:41
It's interesting that the article criticizes the groups for campaigns of disinformation when the first sentence is blatantly false. Par for the course for the anti-immigrant fanatics.
John S Bolton (not verified)
Sat, 04/23/2005 - 21:34
The transcript of Dobbs had an exchange where the foreign criminals' advocate kept saying that the undocumented were not criminals but human beings. If they can do no wrong, and can't be called criminals, that would mean classifying them as not morally significant beings, and thus not human. Those who allow illegal aliens to be called criminals, would seem to be willing to acknowledge them as morally significant beings, in a way that their selfless advocates refuse to do.