Tweets to Sil Lai Abrams

Sil Lai Abrams's avatar
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Sil Lai Abrams
a constant state of evolution
Author of Black Lotus. Founder @truthinreality_. Bryn Mawr McBride Scholar. As seen on CNN, MSNBC, Essence, NPR, Redbook et al. INFJ. Cancer Sun w/Scorpio Moon
Tweets to this user:
Maysoon's avatar
From @maysoonzayid
RT @Sil_Lai: I love this photo of #TheresePatriciaOkoumou. She's so unbothered. Sitting like she's on a park bench. That knee placement is…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
She's clearly not bothered by the fact that her #immigration stance would help Big Biz lower wages. Real liberals oppose Big Biz, don't help them lower wages via #AbolishICE. MT @maysoonzayid MT @Sil_Lai: I love this photo of #TheresePatriciaOkoumou. She's so unbothered...