Owen Thomas/ValleyWag has no clue about immigration or much else (Peter Thiel, Facebook)
Owen Thomas of ValleyWag offers "Billionaire Facebook investor's anti-immigrant heresy" [1]:
Insiders at Clarium Capital, the $5.3 billion hedge fund run by Facebook investor Peter Thiel, are buzzing about their boss's $1 million donation to NumbersUSA, an anti-immigrant group. The donation is an open secret within Clarium, and it has enraged several staff members who joined Clarium because they believed Thiel shared their libertarian ideals... What's interesting about this is his shift from outspoken Libertarian. At PayPal, he had ambitions of using his payments startup to undermine illiberal economies and create a new world financial order... Thiel once aimed to overturn the system. Now he just wants to work within it. As much as his anti-immigration views render him noxious to the Northern California mainstream, his turning away from an embrace of freedom make him an enemy to the rebellious thinkers he's hired.
Jejune, to the max! Real libertarians aren't likely to use phrases like "new world financial order", except ironically. And, NumbersUSA isn't "anti-immigrant" or "anti-immigration"; they support reducing and properly managing immigration. And, if libertarianism requires open borders, then libertarianism is as much a failed ideology as complete unilateral disarmament. Thomas also in effect argues for supporting the housing market through a Ponzi scheme involving immigration, without realizing the role that low-skilled immigrants played in the current issue.
If you want to do something about this, go leave a comment at [1], and also leave a comment at this Facebook group that Kyle de Beausset started: facebook.com/group.php?gid=57995012344
[1] valleywag.com/5083655/billionaire-facebook-investors-anti+immigrant-heresy
Anonymous (not verified)
Mon, 11/17/2008 - 20:37
HS 16552 2008-11-17T22:37:38-06:00
' Northern California mainstream' Still chuckling at that oxymoron. And any deviation from the PC line makes you 'noxious'. PC is worse than noxious.
Pete (not verified)
Wed, 11/19/2008 - 07:06
HS 16553 2008-11-19T09:06:41-06:00
Holy crap. The Facebook guy donated a mil too Numbers USA? Good for him. I'd do the same if I had that much to spare.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sun, 11/23/2008 - 20:01
HS 16554 dawes57@cox.net 2008-11-23T22:01:59-06:00
this is great fun just wait until that disappears.