NCLR, LULAC, MALDEF, NALEO, SVREP send letter to John McCain about immigration

John McCain is too corrupt to stand up to the far-left and those who support illegal immigration, prefering instead - like Bush - to court those who will never support him. Now, some of those groups [1] have sent him an angry letter (PDF link):

On behalf of the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda, composed of 26 leading national Hispanic organizations, we write to urge you to lead your party's platform away from the deportation and detention path that deprives newcomers and the nation of immigrants' positive economic and societal contributions.


We want race-based power, and any form of immigration enforcement impedes our power-grasping. While we support enforcement and "reform" and we don't want open borders, we don't really support any enforcement at all and we more or less want somthing like an open border.

Back to their letter:

The Republican Party Platform language regarding immigration repudiates your efforts to provide a legal opportunity for immigrants who have lived steady, productive and crimefree lives in the United States to come forward, pay a fine, and demonstrate they are learning English. The platform language would split families, make our communities less secure by placing federal responsibilities to enforce immigration law on local police thereby harming police/community relations, and close the door to higher education to young people who have been raised here and graduated from local schools and whose parents or themselves paid local and state taxes. It also wades into the divisive English Only debate but fails to emphasize the importance of more English language classes for adults and youth.

Needless to say, it's virtually impossible for an illegal alien to lead a "crimefree" life, but I guess that depends on how they choose to define "crime". Apparently it doesn't include things like using forged documents, identity theft, and the like.

The "learning English" parts of at least McCain-Kennedy were full of holes; they didn't have to learn it first they just needed to sign up.

It's not the "platform language" that "would split families", it's those who've made the conscious decision to come here illegally that did that.

If our laws were enforced, there would be fewer illegal aliens and thus their concerns about "harming police/community relations" would approach irrelevance.

They complain about closing the door to illegal alien students, without acknowledging that every college slot or discount given to an illegal alien is one that's taken away from a U.S. citizen. Obviously, they don't care that Americans are harmed by their policies.

And, the RNC platform says:

We support English as the official language in our nation... ...To ensure that all students will have access to the mainstream of American life, we support the English First approach and oppose divisive programs that limit students’ future potential. All students must be literate in English, our common language, to participate in the promise of America.

That's definitely stronger than I would have given the GOP credit for, but I suspect that part of the letter writers' complaints conceern the implied opposition to bilingual education.

100+ Hispanic groups send letter supporting illegal immigration, opposing raids

[1] The signatories are (see if you spot a common theme in each group's name):
* League of United Latin American Citizens
* Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
* National Council of La Raza
* National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (relatively minor link to Mexican government)
* Southwest Voter Registration Education Project (leader attended "revolution in the U.S." conference in Venezuala)
* American GI Forum
* Dominican American National Roundtable
* Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
* Hispanic Federation
* Hispanic National Bar Association
* Labor Council for Latin American Advancement
* National Association of Hispanic Publications
* National Hispanic Council on Aging
* National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts
* National Hispanic Media Council
* National Hispanic Medical Association
* National Institute for Latino Policy
* U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
* U. S. Hispanic Leadership Institute


"...we write to urge you to lead your party's platform away from the deportation and detention path that deprives newcomers and the nation of immigrants' positive economic and societal contributions." Let's look at these contributions, shall we? "The Republican Party Platform language regarding immigration repudiates your efforts to provide a legal opportunity for immigrants who have lived steady, productive and crimefree lives in the United States..." McCain is not a Republican, and if these people were "crimefree" then why would anyone need to do anything about them? "The platform language would split families" Language would split families? Give me a break. These people chose to put themselves in harm's way and allow themselves to be split up. I encourage our government to continue the deportations. If the family does not want to be split up, they are free to return to Mexico.

I can't stand John McCain. I know he's going to betray us.

most of those entities get money from our own government so in essence they're really agents of our own government "posing" as citizen groups, it comes across as fascist to me, I don't think the state should be allowed to fund "private" charities, especially ones with political agenda.

"once more", buy guns, and think about a new nation made out of the dead one. within 5 years after McCain or that little black ass Obama become the so called President 150 million more monkeys will be here, and after that forget about any kind of freedoms within 20 years the USA Will be just one more third world hell. so the only way to save your family is to fight for the right to live, this once great nation is big and a new nation can be built out of 20 states way up nouth that no monkey would move to, after all monkeys don't like real work of building a great nation over time we as a people can rebild and take back our rights as a people but only in blood and death of people of all races who would attack freedom.