New York Times to Eliot Spitzer: die on the driver's licenses for illegal aliens hill
Posted Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 7:18 pm
Another day, another New York Times immigration editorial. This time, they're wrong about DLs for IAs in "Governor Spitzer Retreats" (link). They wanted him to be a good soldier in the NYT's war for illegal immigration and stick to the original plan no matter how much it hurt him:
Gov. Eliot Spitzer has confronted the most intense public criticism of his political career - and caved. Not so long ago, Mr. Spitzer was doing the right and brave thing, planning to offer driver's licenses to qualified but undocumented immigrants. The plan was inherently fair and would have made the state and its roads safer. Unfortunately, it also made Mr. Spitzer the target of some very nasty rhetoric from his political opponents, while his allies offered mostly weak-kneed support...
[...blather and stuffing deleted...]
Governor Spitzer's pivot from his difficult stand on driver's licenses is a disappointment. The way he swiftly made, and then unmade, this decision is unsettling. It revives questions about whether this rookie governor seeks enough wise counsel and then listens to it. It leaves us wondering whether Mr. Spitzer has the willpower to remain focused on his better plans and better instincts in the future.
Tanstaafl (not verified)
Wed, 10/31/2007 - 06:16
HS 12903 2007-10-31T08:16:30-05:00
Yes, you should be willing to make the supreme sacrifice for your multicultural diverse non-nation. To die in the non-defense of its non-border is the highest possible calling a true holier-than-thou liberal can imagine.
Mary (not verified)
Wed, 10/31/2007 - 15:44
HS 12904 2007-10-31T17:44:56-05:0
Does the New York Times think THEY are the 'wise counsel " they refer to???Hahhahah what a joke ....who needs a comic section when you can read the entire NYTimes!
expat (not verified)
Wed, 10/31/2007 - 18:23
HS 12905 2007-10-31T20:23:51-05:00
Anytime anyone tells you you should take the NYT seriously just recall this absurd NYT editorial that calls DNA testing "pseudoscientific bigotry" and compares it to nazism: