Michael Bianco Inc. workers invite lawmakers to take tour of plant (PR firm)
For a bit of levity relating to the New Bedford immigration raid of Michael Bianco Inc. - the plant almost everyone agrees was a sweatshop - I offer this:
Eight employees of Michael Bianco Inc., the company raided by federal immigration authorities last month, have invited local politicians to see conditions inside the factory for themselves. But many of the politicians have said they will decline the invitation because it smells like a public-relations ploy for the factory's owner, Francesco Insolia...
The rest of it reads like it was ripped from the pages of the Onion:
...Faxed to politicians from a Copy Cop store in Boston, the letter came without a letterhead and with a contact number that turned out to be a fax number... ...The contact at the bottom of the letter was listed as Michael Gorman, who handles public affairs for Rasky Baerlein, the Boston firm hired by Mr. Insolia to handle media inquiries in the raid's aftermath...
On a more serious note:
Carol Rose/ACLU Massachusetts compares ICE tactics to Slobodan Milosevic, ethnic cleansing
Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley's "Save The Sweatshops" movement
NYT hides behind "terrorized" illegal aliens to support massive immigration
Deval Patrick knew about New Bedford immigration raid in February ("humanitarian crisis")
Kerry, Kennedy, Delahunt, Frank support illegal immigration (New Bedford, Congressional investigation)
M. Elizabeth Roman on fear-struck sweatshop workers
Sweatshop supporter Ted Kennedy will never support immigration enforcement
Erika Hayasaki/Los Angeles Times tries to help sweatshop (er, workers, yeah that's it)
This sweatshop brought to you by... liberals (Michael Bianco Inc.)
ICE raids Michael Bianco Inc. in Boston; Yvonne Abraham