Tweets to Ashley Rae Goldenberg

Ashley Rae Goldenberg's avatar
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Ashley Rae Goldenberg
Ashley Rae Goldenberg, AKA Communism Kills. "It's important to stay informed, the commentary to comment on." DM me your tips.
Tweets to this user:
Brian’s Swollen Potato Head's avatar
From @BriansHugeHead
@Communism_Kills That thread is absurd. Giants is pretending nationalism is a infectious disease pediatric aged peo…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BriansHugeHead: Sleeping Giants mini-brigaded me after I replied to them several months ago. I never got any help with that from cons, even though helping me would've helped them. Cons' mental & emotional issues make them less than worthless.
Ashley Rae Goldenberg's avatar
From @Communism_Kills
I’m old enough to remember just yesterday when Ian was saying he was against tech censorship and deplatforming. No…
Ashley Rae Goldenberg's avatar
From @Communism_Kills
Sleeping Giants is behind campaigns to pull ads from conservative networks and sites. The fact that Ian Miles Cheon…
Ashley Rae Goldenberg's avatar
From @Communism_Kills
This was the rest of the thread. Ian liked the initial tweet in the thread. It’s clearly an attempt at censorship a…
Kyle Amidon's avatar
From @BigRedGuy74
@Communism_Kills Noone should be censored, even asshole Nazis. Lol
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BigRedGuy74: ironically, your anti-censorship reply to @Communism_Kills was censored by Twitter & you don't even know it. Twitter gets away with that due to cons: they falsely pretend only cons are censored, thus marginalizing the opposition to those most don't care about.
Allum Bokhari's avatar
From @LibertarianBlue
Foreign policy twitter in two tweets
Ashley Rae Goldenberg's avatar
From @Communism_Kills
@LibertarianBlue And don’t forget Israel arrested Santa. The fact it was terrorists dressed up as Santa doesn’t mat…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Communism_Kills: FYI, @LibertarianBlue has consistently lied about Twitter censorship. Despite his false claims, Twitter censors all kinds of users: see the real data at my top tweet. He *helps* Twitter by reducing the opposition to their censorship.
Allum Bokhari's avatar
From @LibertarianBlue
OK, it's time to settle this question. Which one is it:
Ashley Rae Goldenberg's avatar
From @Communism_Kills
@LibertarianBlue Two, but Outlook apparently changes it to one. There used to be a bot on here that called everyone retards who used two.
Smells Like Teen Statism's avatar
From @BlueEightySix
@Communism_Kills @LibertarianBlue Who would take the time to do that?
Ashley Rae Goldenberg's avatar
From @Communism_Kills
@BlueEightySix @LibertarianBlue Well, it was a bot so it was automatic.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Communism_Kills: hi Ashley, @LibertarianBlue consistently deceives about Twitter censorship. See the real data at my top tweet. He falsely pretends only cons are impacted, greatly reducing the opposition to their censorship & greatly helping Twitter. Help make him useful.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Do you have a crawl space? MT @Communism_Kills [I no recall hearing @CalumMackenzi11 song but it was on my Pandora & I knew most every word]