SEIU wants a massive illegal alien amnesty for all
Posted Thu, Jan 18, 2007 at 12:25 am
In case it wasn't already clear, the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) has announced its "agenda for comprehensive immigration reform" by sending a "detailed letter" to Teddy Kennedy, which, of course, is preaching to the choir:
The letter identified core reform principles to which SEIU is committed, including legalization, a new worker program, labor and civil rights law enforcement, family backlog reduction, and border security.If you actually think it through - as SEIU probably hasn't - what they support would be a de facto open borders policy, as anyone who could make it over the border would be put on the "path to citizenship".
"Successful reform mandates the most expansive earned legalization provisions that would make eligible the largest number of undocumented persons," wrote Stern and Burger. "If only half or two-thirds of the targeted population would be eligible for legalization, undocumented workers will continue to fuel an underground economy, with negative impacts on all workers, employers, and communities."
The letter added, "We neither subscribe to nor endorse a repeat of the failed 'guest worker' programs. Any new worker program must include worker protections including: portability of visas so that workers can change jobs, the right to join unions and have full labor rights, the right to bring their families with them, and the ability to self-petition for permanent residency and citizenship."
Nathan (not verified)
Sat, 01/20/2007 - 00:09
Here's a video of some Mexican guy from the SEIU disrespecting our country
eh (not verified)
Fri, 01/19/2007 - 14:56
Great comment.
Those guys (or maybe they're gals, I doubt it though) at the SEIU must be really dumb. Union membership has been in decline for years, and one reason must be that the huge influx of immigrants has put capital in the driver's seat vs labor. No sign whatsoever that this can be reversed, especially with globalization taking so many former union jobs out of the country. At this point their best hope is to work on Democrats to get them to keep raising the minimum wage.
Jeebie (not verified)
Thu, 01/18/2007 - 07:36
The SEIU is mostly illegals anyway. Here's a path to citizenship. GO HOME. Be a citizen of your own country for a change. Take all your friends and family with you. Don't come back.
Hey Chertoff, are you ever going to secure our borders, or just hassle tourists at the airport over their shoes and toothpaste? Get your priorities straight. Start with that poster child, Elvira. Then get busy enforcing existing laws. Deport someone, anyone! Then start prosecuting employers. Goes for you, too, Gonzales. Have you or your Bushbots prosecuted ANYONE since you got into office? How about starting with some RICO or immigration violations by the SEIU? They are harboring the illegals, promoting their foreign governments agenda (mexico's). Protect America from the real economic terrorists, crossing the border by the millions.